Review: Fighting to Survive by Rhiannon Frater

Publisher: Tor Books Publish Date: November 8th, 2011 Source: Purchased Goodreads Rating: 5/5 Zombies Synopsis: Picking up where The First Days ends, Fighting to Survive features the further zombie-killing, civilization-saving adventures of a pair of sexy, kick butt heroines and the men who love them. A hundred or so survivors of the zombie plague have found tenuous safety in the […]

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Review: The First Days by Rhiannon Frater

Publisher: Tor Books Publish Date: July 5th, 2011 Source: Purchased Goodreads Rating: 5/5 Zombies Synopsis: The morning that the world ends, Katie is getting ready for court and housewife Jenni is taking care of her family. Less than two hours later, they are fleeing for their lives from a zombie horde. Thrown together by circumstance, Jenni and Katie […]

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