Synopsis: Annie Sullivan was little more than a half-blind orphan with a fiery tongue when she arrived at Ivy Green in 1887. Desperate for work, she’d taken on a seemingly impossible job — teaching a child who was deaf, blind, and as ferocious as any wild animal. But Helen Keller needed more than a teacher. […]
Read the rest of this entry »Author Interview- Sarah Miller
ReaWrite– If you could try any profession (besides a writer), what would you choose? Sarah-Trapeze artist, maybe? ReaWrite– What are you doing when your not writing? Sarah– Telling myself I should be writing. ReaWrite– What does your writing space look like? Clean with no distractions or cluttered with things that inspire you? Sarah– Tidy, yet […]
Read the rest of this entry »The Lost Crown- Sarah Miller
Publisher: Atheneum Publish Date: June 14th, 2011 Source: Purchased Goodreads Rating: 4/5 – Loving the YA/ Historical Combo. Synopsis: As World War I ignites across Europe, political unrest sweeps Russia. First dissent, then disorder, mutiny, and revolution. For Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, the end of their girlhood together is colliding with the end of more than […]
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