Review: Alpha by Rachel Vincent

Written By: Kellie - Feb• 19•11


Synopsis: The unscrupulous new Council chair has charged Jace, Marc and me with trespassing, kidnapping, murder and treason. Yeah, we’ve been busy. But now it’s time to take justice into our own hands. We must avenge my brother’s death and carve out the rot at the heart of the Council.

It’s not going to be easy, and loss seems unavoidable, but I have promised to protect my Pride, no matter what. With a target on my back and Marc at my side, I’m heading for a final showdown that can–that will–change everything forever. A showdown I’m not sure I’m ready for.

But life never waits until you’re ready. -Goodreads

Review: The end of one of my absolute favorite series, and what a spectacular ending it was. It magically managed to tie everything up and left me happy at how it ended, but sad that it had to end at all. There were some pretty big moments that you could see coming from a mile away (or from the cover of the book) but it was still handled really well

I love all of the characters in this series. They’re flawed but genuinely likeable. For the most part the characters are fully developed and fleshed out. You can really see how far they’ve come from the first book in the series. They all react beautifully to the countless hurdles put before them in this final chunk of the shifters saga. Also, there were a lot of moments of awesome in this one. Where you just feel the rising tension, or the big wins. You’re really cheering for these people the whole way through.

The romantic triangle is still a major factor throughout most of the book. It doesn’t end how I had wanted it too, but I’ll live. The business of Alpha is pretty tough stuff and Faythe’s chosen partner will be a good one for her down the road *sigh*.

Also, another thing that made this book (and series) so good were the bad guys! These are people you really love to hate which makes for a great book. You really want to see Faythe kick these people in the face.

I read this whole thing cover to cover in half a day. I was actually sad to go out and have to buy new shoes because it meant I had to take an hour long break from this wonderful, wonderful book. Anyways, if you haven’t read it yet (I waited so long to read it because I really didn’t want this series to end), do it now! The whole series is worth a read but but if you’ve read most of it, don’t be afraid to finish off the series. I promise, you won’t be disappointed.

You can visit Rachel Vincent online, here.

Buy the book @Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN)


Second Opinions:
@Book’d Out
@A Book Worm’s Haven
@Ink and Paper

Why I love them Part 1- Anne Bishop

Written By: Kellie - Feb• 17•11

I have four favorite authors, all of whom are fantastic. And now, because I have a blog I get to ramble on about how great I think they are. Maybe, if I’m lucky I’ll even convince someone new to read about them. Anyways, while my favorite authors aren’t in any specific order, I do have an absolute favorite series, so it’s wonderful author goes first. Anne Bishop, author of The Black Jewels Trilogy.

The Black Jewels trilogy is, ironically (not), three books following the childhood, adolescence and beginning of the reign of The Queen of the Darkness, Jaenelle. While Jaenelle is arguably the main character the book is told from the perspective of all the important people in her life. It hop around to everyone except her, so as readers we only learn about her through the way others see her, a pretty interesting take. Jaenelle is a little bit too Mary-Sueish anyway, so instead we read this story from the perspective of the three men in her life.

Anyways, that’s not what makes these books great. They’re a little dark but they take place in a beautifully crafted, unique fantasy world. And while there is plenty of magic and epic battles, this series is ultimately about the relationships between people. I’ve seriously read these books at least five times and a few times each for all of the other books Anne Bishop has written that is set in this same world. Can’t help it. So, so good! The downside… the last book in this series is coming out in less than a month and I’ve read a pretty scary review. At least one person thinks this last book my destroy the entire series for some people. I think I may be skipping the very last novella for this series all together, then I can just imagine an ending that I like.

She’s also written two other series. One of which I’ve read. One I’ve haven’t (it’s nice to know that one of my favorite authors has something else I could fall in love with that I just haven’t read yet). The other series I’ve read (Ephemera) has two books in it, and they’re pretty decent. She’s writing another book for that series in the next couple of years. It’s pretty much a multi-dimension, magical creatures type deal. Worth a read too :)

Anyways, while I can’t say that every book Anne Bishop writes is mind blowing, when she gets it right, it’s pretty much mind blowing.

Review: Across The Universe by Beth Revis

Written By: Kellie - Feb• 10•11

across the universe


Synopsis: Seventeen-year-old Amy joins her parents as frozen cargo aboard the vast spaceship Godspeed and expects to awaken on a new planet, three hundred years in the future. Never could she have known that her frozen slumber would come to an end fifty years too soon and that she would be thrust into the brave new world of a spaceship that lives by its own rules.

Amy quickly realizes that her awakening was no mere computer malfunction. Someone-one of the few thousand inhabitants of the spaceship-tried to kill her. And if Amy doesn’t do something soon, her parents will be next.

Now Amy must race to unlock Godspeed’s hidden secrets. But out of her list of murder suspects, there’s only one who matters: Elder, the future leader of the ship and the love she could never have seen coming. -Goodreads

Review: This is Beth Revis’s debut novel, and it’s getting quite a bit of hype. We got quite a few copies at work, and the cover is pretty spectacular so I figured it was worth a read. And it was… ish. Alright, it was actually a bit of a let down but still a decent book. It was a good debut novel, but it still left a fair bit to be desired.

What is it actually about? Across the Universe focuses on two characters, Amy and Elder. Amy was cryogenically frozen on a spaceship in order to make the 300 year journey to a new planet. Elder is one of the few thousand people who are living aboard the ship, Godspeed, while it makes the journey. Elder is on his way to being the next leader of the ship when Amy is mysteriously unfrozen, starting a chain reaction of events aboard the ship. Crazyness ensues!

This book combines the building blocks of a dystopian sci-fi novel with a fairly basic murder mystery. Now, I won’t tell you what it is… but I figured out the big twist pretty quickly (and I’m usually pretty slow on the uptake) so I never really got that “Whoa, what an awesome ending” moment that this book was obviously working towards. On the opposite end of that argument though, I do like that there were clues throughout the novel that hinted at what was coming rather than just throwing something at us out of left field, I just feel that more subtlety was needed.

The characters are like able but a little two dimensional, plus it feels like the book could have benefited from a bit of a sense of humor. For awhile I actually found myself rooting for Amy to be interested in Elder’s artistic best friend, Harley romantically rather than the more awkward Elder. They make a point that the masses on this ship are fairly mindless and empty, while the “weird” characters are the ones who are more free thinking. But I found that the Doctor, who was fairly key was pretty empty as well. He doesn’t seem to think much or make his own decisions. Or even when he does, there doesn’t seem to be any real reasoning behind it except as a plot device. Argh! I’m going to have to get better at saying what needs to be said about a book without giving too much away. I wanted the doctor to explain his actions or non actions better. There.

The writing itself was actually pretty good. The scene where Amy is watching her parents being frozen before doing the same is really vivid and a little horrifying. The world they live in is described well enough to give you an outline and let you fill in the rest for yourself, which is just the way I like it.

I wish a few more of the lose ends had been tied up as some points that seemed pretty ominous initially ended up looking pretty pointless. That being said, I’m curious where this series will go next, as some of the factors that made this novel “dystopian” aren’t in the picture anymore. I’ll definitely pick up the next one if I happen to come across it, but I can’t see myself holding my breath until it comes out. That being said, I seem to be in the minority here. A lot of the reviews I’ve been reading are raves, people seem to love this book. On Goodreads I’m seeing oodles of 5/5 stars, which is odd because this is in no way a perfect novel, but the series has potential and for a debut that is saying a lot.

You can visit Beth Revis online, here.

Buy the book @Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN)


Second Opinions:
@Alison’s Book Marks
@Justin’s Book Blog
@I Am A Reader, Not A Writer

Review: Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead

Written By: Kellie - Feb• 07•11

Series: Vampire Academy, #6
Publisher: Razorbill
Publish Date: December 7th, 2010
Source: Purchased

Rating: 5/5 Feeder’s agree, this is a fantastic finish to this series.

Synopsis: The astonishing final novel in Richelle Mead’s epic series!

Murder. Love. Jealousy. And the ultimate sacrifice. Now, with Rose on trial for her life and Lissa first in line for the Royal Throne, nothing will ever be the same between them. -Goodreads

Thoughts: Alright, I know I’m probably one of a billion to write a review of this book since it’s been out for awhile now but I really enjoyed it and need to gush about it… Just a little.

This series was recommended to me by a friend a few years ago. I gobbled up the first few. I bought the first three before I had even finished the copy of ‘Vampire Academy’ that I had been lent. Anyways, I’ll admit I lost a bit of interest in this series when Rose took off on her solo adventure as I felt it took away from what makes these books stand out from the countless other vampire love stories out there now. As great as the love story is, the most important relationship has been the one between Rose and Lissa. It’s a friendship for the ages.

On a whim I borrowed book five, Spirit Bound, from work in November and I was pulled alllll the way back into this series. So, despite a little hitch this is still a great series and let me say it had a fantastic ending.

Last Sacrifice combined everything and every one that I loved about these books and combined them all for an action packed finish. Both the main plot of proving Rose’s innocence and the sub-plot of finding Lissa’s half sister are fully fleshed out while still managing to tie up most of the loose ends from this series. There are definitely a few shocking twists from both beloved characters and ones you had half forgotten about. I think this may have been one my favorite endings to a series, ever (I told you I was going to gush). I started reading in the car on my way home from work, and didn’t go to sleep that night until I’d finished, and it was worth it.

I say that only most of the loose ends were tied up because there are a few characters whose fates we don’t end up learning, but it is mentioned and well, I think that may be what the spin off is all about, so not to worry. Rumor has it the spin-off will be focusing on some characters who had previously been secondary and will be a bit of a different take than Vampire Academy was, but I’m still excited. Personally, I’m dying to know what Rose and friends make of their new situation as adults in the Moroi world, but this will do nicely.

Overall, great read. If you’ve read the Vampire Academy books, you need to read this one. If you haven’t, you need to read all of them. Even Blood Promise =S

You can visit Richelle Mead online, here. She is one of my top 5, favorite authors and I highly recommend you check her out.

Buy the book @Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@The Lovely Getaway
@Katie’s Book Blog
@Mindful Musings