It was a busy book week for me so that definitely warrants an IMM post! My birthday was yesterday so I managed to get a few extra books than I might of usually and without (technically) buying any from work. Okay, I ordered from the chapters website, as a treat to myself. Woops! I was going to post this as a vlog but it just wasn’t workin out. Maybe next time? Onto the books! These first four I ordered online.
So I’ve always been a little behind on the wonderfulness of Kelley Armstrong. People rave about these books but it still took me awhile to clue in. I found a copy of the first one at a used bookstore near my cottage and I loved it. This time around I bought the mass market versions of three, four and five in this series as we only have the super expensive trade paperbacks at work. Looking forward to reading these. A canadian author named Kelley, how can I not be super supportive?
This year I’ve been making a point of catching up on all of the stand alone books written by one of my favorite authors, Carrie Vaughn. This one is about a girl who takes fencing but only finds any real use for the skill when she’s sucked into the past, a world full of pirates and sword play. It hasn’t gotten great reviews but I’m still willing to give it a go!
Annnd, finally. I found a few books while out garage saleing this weekend. Still one of my favorite ways to buy books as you never know what hidden treasure you’re going to find. Plus, these two books cost me less than a dollar, combined *brain explosion*
I know absolutley nothing about this book except that it has Dragon in the title and has a pretty strong YA vibe to the cover, based on that alone I bought it. I’m tempted to not even look at what it’s about. Just start reading and see what happens.
This book is on my ‘Readlist 2011’ and cost 50 cents, so obviously I have to buy it. I have heard such good things about this story and really enjoyed the movie so I’m really looking forward to this book. I will probably save it for the cottage.
That’s all for now folks… So what did you guys get this week?