Synopsis: Mercy Thompson’s sexy next-door neighbor is a werewolf. She’s tinkering with a VW bus at her mechanic shop that happens to belong to a vampire. But then, Mercy Thompson is not exactly normal herself … and her connection to the world of things that go bump in the night is about to get her into a whole lot of trouble. -Goodreads
Review: If you like urban fantasy you have probably already read this series. If not… what are you waiting for?! And if you’ve been considering dipping your toes into the pool of this genre, then this is the book to start with. The characters are wonderful, the story keeps you guessing and the world is perfectly crafted. Love, love, love this book.
The most kick-ass thing about this book? Definitely its heroine Mercy Thompson. Too many urban fantasy characters are unrealistically hardcore whose only interests are guns and overly controlling men. Mercy, she’s a mechanic, not actually all that powerful and yet she still manages to stick up for herself and is always looking out for her people. She manages to be someone you’d want to hang out with and someone you can look up to all at the same time.
Next best thing? The werewolves. Patricia Briggs obviously spent a lot of time crafting the world her characters would live in. I am in love with the werewolf society and hierarchy she has created. There is a real sense of community, along with the usual instinct driven sexyness that comes along with werewolves.
I’ll leave the rest for you to discover on your own. This is a beautiful start to possibly the best urban fantasy series out there right now. It has a little bit of everything without being over crowded and hard to keep track of. If this sounds even a little like your type of book then please, pick it up. You wont be disappointed.
Second Opinions
@Offbeat Vagabond
@Angel McCoy
@Full Moon Bites