Tools for reaching your writing resolutions

Written By: Kellie - Jan• 07•12

With any luck, 2012 will be a big writing year for me, and hopefully some of you. Alas, wee one hasn’t been quite as successful as I’d hoped. So, I’ve put together a list of some tools we can use as writers to help us achieve writing goals for 2012.

1. Communities
This is a big one. Support can be huge when you’re facing things like writers block and plot wholes. One of your best resource will always be other writers that you can bounce ideas off of and get feedback from. Once you have a draft of a story, forums like Absolute Write can help you find beta-readers to take it to the next level.

This year, I am also part of a resolution group, which includes something of a writing buddy. Be accountable to someone other than yourself if that’s what you need to make sure your writing stays a top priority.

2. Momentum
I’ve always found that once you can get into the habit of writing, it gets easier and easier to keep it up. Not only does it become part of your daily routine, but you start to really feel like a writer which can play a big part in motivating you to keep at it.

If it helps, use a website like to keep track of your progress. Make it your homepage for that extra push every day to keep up the good work.

3. Think in smaller steps
Anything can look daunting in the wrong light, especially something epic like writing a novel. Break your goals down into smaller steps and it will look a lot less daunting. Writer 1000 words, a chapter, a scene, a paragraph. Whatever works for you. If it keeps you going to get to check off a box after writing for fifteen minutes, do that. Eat a cookie if you have to. Setup your goals in a format that works for you and you’ll go a lot faster. It’s a lot easier to reach the moon one wrung at a time, rather than in one giant leap. Not that anyone would argue either is an easy task.

4. Make writing a priority
I don’t think I can explain this quite as well as this comic.

Bloodlines Discussion

Written By: Kellie - Jan• 05•12

Warning: This is a discussion post and will absolutley contain spoilers. If you have not read Bloodlines by Richelle Mead yet, I suggest you skip this post for now and head over to the review.

After writing the review for Bloodlines a few days ago, I’m itching to talk to some people about it. Part of this I think comes from the need to justify myself for not being head over heals in love with this story. It was pretty well received by the YA community, which isn’t surprising since it’s a spin-off of the wonderful Vampire Academy series.

My main issue with this book is that it’s all told from Sydney’s perspective. I didn’t like Sydney at all when she was a supporting character for VA, and while I like her more now, I don’t like her enough that I’d want to sit down and hang out with her, so reading from her perspective can get a little stagnant at times.

My secondary issue (and I promise, I’ll only ramble about these two), is that the book sometime comes off as a convenient way to do something with a bunch of leftover characters from the original series. I was willing to accept it for the most part until the end where we saw that Sonya (okay, this actually ties in pretty nicely) and Angeline Dawes would be joining the cast for the next book. It just seems so forced. It worked well enough, but it would have been nice to see some new characters have lasting roles in the series rather than just being plot devices for the story.

To be fair… the good elements should be discussed too. There were a lot of aspects I liked (the plot, the writing, the pacing), but those two other things just kept bothering me at all the wrong times. I did think the whole idea of magical tattoos was cool, although a little trivial when compared to VA’s plots but it was handled well in the writing and I definitely enjoyed the mystery.

So, what did all of you think? Can you convince me that Sydney is all kinds of awesome? What do you think of all the potential romance floating around?

Bloodlines- Richelle Mead

Written By: Kellie - Jan• 04•12

Synopsis: When alchemist Sydney is ordered into hiding to protect the life of Moroi princess Jill Dragomir, the last place she expects to be sent is a human private school in Palm Springs, California. But at their new school, the drama is only just beginning.

Populated with new faces as well as familiar ones, Bloodlines explores all the friendship, romance, battles and betrayals that made the #1 New York Times bestselling Vampire Academy series so addictive – this time in a part-vampire, part-human setting where the stakes are even higher and everyone’s out for blood. -Goodreads

Review: For as much as I was looking forward to this book, it definitely took me a really long time to get through it. It was a decent story, but I just couldn’t seem to get behind the main character until midway through the book. I didn’t like Sydney at all in the Vampire Academy series, but I assumed in getting to know her better, she would come to be someone I could get invested in. That was only partially true.

Not to say it wasn’t a fun read. I really enjoyed Jill, Eddie and Adrian, and for the most part, Sydney. Richelle Mead is a rock star of the story telling world, no question. She made a very true to life character, the character just doesn’t happen to be someone I like. Sydney is so rigid and well, not fun, so she has a lot of growing to do as a character before I’ll really care what happens to her, but for now we both care about the other people in her life, and so that’s enough to go on.

The actual plot of this book was well thought out and a lot of fun. There are nice little clues littered throughout that may or may not come together at the end, it makes for a fun read where you keep thinking you know what’s going to happen but it doesn’t always play out like you think. Each of the key characters plays their parts well.

I’ll definitely be picking up the next book in this series, and I have a feeling the series will get a little more self reliant for book two so I’m even looking forward to it. Richelle Mead’s vampires are the only ones I’m not completely bored of yet, and any excuse to stay in the world of her imagination is one I will happily take.

For a book that I only gave 3 stars to, I’m feeling an overwhelming urge to do a discussion post because there is just way to much I want to talk about that I just can’t get into in a spoiler free review.

Buy the book @Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN)


Second Opinions:
@Mocha Latte Reviews
@IB Book Blogging
@The Small Town Book Blog

Top Ten Books I’m Excited to Read in 2012

Written By: Kellie - Jan• 03•12

This week, Top Ten Tuesday focuses on everyone’s most anticipated books of 2012. These are the ones I can’t wait to read!

1. Rage Within by Jeyn Roberts
I thiink I might have mentioned it a few times now, but I loved the first book in this dystopian series. So needless to say I’m pretty excited for the next book. You can even win a copy of the first book here.

2. Insurgent by Veronica Roth
This one is on almost everyone’s list, but there is a special place waiting for it on my bookshelf. Divergent was the first book I ever received from a publisher.

3. Shadow Bound by Rachel Vincent
One of my favorite authors so I’m obviously pretty excited, but Blood Bound really surprised me with it’s awesomeness so I can’t wait to see what’s next.

4. Spark by Amy Kathleen Ryan
Okay, so far everything on this list are #2 in a series… I guess 2011 was a pretty great year for new series. Anyways, Spark is the sequel to Glow which was my favorite YA Sci-Fi read of last year.

5. Incarnate by Jodi Meadows
A highly anticipated debut for this year, probably in part because of the b-e-a-u-tiful cover.

6. Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
I’ve heard good things and would love to check it out for myself.

7. Above by Leah Bobet
Another title that I keep hearing about that sounds like a story I can easily fall in love with.

8. – 10. I still have a big stack of must read 2011 titles to get through, and I’m sure I’m going to want to read all of their sequels as well. So I’m leaving part of this list open as I’m really excited to read a lot of the books that are already sitting on my shelf waiting for me.

New Year, New Books Giveaway

Written By: Kellie - Jan• 02•12

Happy new year everyone! One day down, so far so good. To celebrate 2012, I’m going to be giving away some of my favorite titles of 2011, to try and spread the love around a bit. The three titles I chose were all featured in my list of Standout books of 2011.


This contest is open internationally as I will be shipping these to the winners via The Book Depository. There are several ways to enter, as I am trying to make sure ReaWrite is still on the radar come the end of GFC in March. So for all of you who are currently using Google+ I would love it if you could add ReaWrite to your circles there, “Like” us on facebook, or follow us via RSS feed. You can find all of those links on the sidebar. –>

Good luck to everyone, and enjoy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Standout Books of 2011

Written By: Kellie - Dec• 31•11

Looking over the books I read (at least the ones I remembered to check off on Goodreads), there are a few that really stood out as my memorable reads of 2011. Not surprisingly, they aren’t all actually 2011 titles but more surprisingly they aren’t all YA and UF books. If nothing else, I managed to branch out a little bit this year, although I did read more young adult books this year then I ever did as a teenager =D

As I was writing this post I realized that I hadn’t set the ‘date read’ for all of the books I read this year, which meant they weren’t all counted for 2011. Turns out I read 100 books this year… something I have been striving for, for longer than I can remember but never even coming close to reaching. I’m actually really pleased that I managed to do it without even realizing.

So, out of 100 books this year, these are the ten that I loved above the rest. In no particular order… The books that standout in my mind as my most memorable reads of 2011.

Dark Inside
Jeyn Roberts
I actually just read this a few weeks ago and I think it’s fair to say, this was one of my top three books of this year. A wonderfully horrifying tale of the (an) apocalypse. The characters are great and distinctive and everything about the world Jayn Roberts has imagined is so very vivid. Highly recommended!
Reads the Review


The Lost Crown
Sarah Miller
YA Historical Fiction, sign me up. This was actually one of the first titles I read in this genre and I loved it so much, despite the horribly sad ending. I hadn’t read much about the Romonov’s before reading this book but Sarah Miller managed to pull me far enough into their world that I definitely had a history binge after reading this book.
Read the review


The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins
I think of nothing else, I will remember 2011 as being the year I finally broke down and read The Hunger Games (actually, the entire series at a book a day… just couldn’t make myself slow down). I can’t believe I missed out on this amazing story for so long. Seeing the trailer for the movie was also a pretty big deal for me. Hunger Games= Awesome. End of story.
Read the review


Laura Resnick
Perhaps the most surprising OMG I love it, Urban Fantasy read of the year. This book is hilariously funny and so witty (just look at the title). This book doesn’t take itself too seriously and is so much better off for it. Very refreshing in the somewhat repetitive world of Urban Fantasy.
Read the review


Last Sacrifice
Richelle Mead
The end of the Vampire Academy series, sad to see it go but did it ever go out with a bang! I had sort of lost interest in this series after the fourth book but working at a bookstore tempted me to go back and see how the series ended and I’m SO glad I did. Both Spirit Bound and Last Sacrifice were mind-blowingly good which played a big role in bumping Richelle Mead to my list of all time favorite authors.
Read the review (Hehe, written in my original review format… oh how times have changed)

Michael Grant
Another book that blew my mind. Gone had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Yes, all the adults are gone and the kids and teens have to survive for themselves, but they aren’t spared any hardship. They do the best they can but still behave realistically as teenagers which I think put this book near the top of an ever expanding list of apocalyptic/dystopic teen fiction.
Read the review

The Pledge
Kimberly Derting
This one was another I read just this past month and loved! Combing fantasy and dystopia, while incorporating language as a key feature of society… I felt like this book was written just for me. The Pledge rocked my socks in every way possible.
… and I’m just now realizing I forgot to review it. Woops! Expect that in 2012.


The Other Boleyn Girl
Philippa Gregory
Probably the most recommended piece of historical fiction out there, and I finally got around to reading it. I’ve been a bit of a Tudor buff, so this was a lot of fun to read. Such an exciting book, which is so drastically different from what I usually read. I want to make sure I try out some other Philippa Gregory titles in 2012. I didn’t review it as it’s so far from this blog’s niche but if you have any interest in historical fiction you should give it a go.


Perfect Chemistry
Simone Elkeles
This is another book that is on this list to represent every book in it’s series. Simone Elkeles told three wonderful romances with her Perfect Chemistry series. My younger sister, who I can almost never convince to read even enjoyed the first book, so that’s a pretty high recommendation right there.
Read the review
Blood Bound
Rachel Vincent
Rachel Vincent’s Shifters series has been lovveeeddd by me for a long time, so I was a little nervous about where she would go with an entirely new UF series. But, I have to admit… she took it to a whole new level with Blood Bound. I loved the concept, the characters and the back story. This is the urban fantasy I’ve been craving, without even realizing it.
Read the review


So there you have it, the most memorable reads of 2011 (for me, anyways). If some of these books are sitting in your TBR pile, I really recommend dusting them off and giving them a shot. Who knows, they may end up on your best books of 2012 list.

My 2012 TBR List

Written By: Kellie - Dec• 30•11

I’ve been on the look out for some interesting challenges to take part in for 2012… One that looks pretty interesting is knocking some titles off of my TBR list. So before I sign up for anything, I’m making a list to try and better figure out what my reading and blogging goals should be for 2012.

1. Birthmarked by Caragh O’Brian
2. Touch of Power by Maria V. Snyder
3. Inheritance by Christopher Paolini
4. Crossed by Allie Condie
5. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
6. Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
7. Firelight by Sophie Jordan
8. The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
9. Blood Red Road by Moira Young
10. Sisterhood Everlasting by Ann Brasheres
11. Faefever by Karen Marie Moning
12. The Trouble with Demons by Lisa Shearin
13. The Dwarves by Markus Heitz
14. Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater
15. Haunted by Kelley Armstrong

Wishing you all the happiest of holidays

Written By: Kellie - Dec• 26•11

Hi everyone! I hope you had a fantastic Christmas (for those who celebrate) and if you get a bit of a break this time of year, enjoy it and read a lot.

I did very well book wise this Christmas and am a happy little bookworm =)|

– Last Sacrifice (completing my paperback VA collection)
– Birthmarked
– Glow
– The Maze Runner (read it, now I have a copy of my own)
– Touch of Power
– Cleopatra Confesses

– $75 giftcard to Indigo. Should keep me in reading material for awhile.

I also bought myself a copy of Bloodlines while doing my holiday shopping and FINALLY got through it. Review coming in the next couple of days.

Books aside, I had such a fantastic Christmas. I’m usually running around a mile a minute on Christmas, visiting family and what not, but for once I had a quiet day in, spending time with my favorite people, and of course my pups. I hope all of you out there in the blogosphere had an equally wonderful day, surrounded by family and books.

I’m not going to be posting for the next few days. Gearing up to give ReaWrite a kick in the pants for the new year. I’d like to get a little ahead on posts, maybe come up with a new layout and a strategy to get this blog rolling a little faster. Coming up on my one year blogoversary, so this is a good time to start building momentum =)

See you all soon!

Ereader Tablets

Written By: Kellie - Dec• 19•11

Ever since I learned about the Kindle Fire (which isn’t available to us Canadians *pout*) I have been somewhat obsessed with finding a comparable 7″ tablet/Ereader. A tablet would be super useful for me right about now and I do think it would be pretty useful as an ereader as I miss back-lighting and have been having some trouble with my Sony Reader as of late.

I’m not super tech savvy, but am trying to really do my research before making a purchase. All I need is an ereading program, a browser and netflix access and I’m happy but I know if I buy something that’s too sluggish or frustrating, I wont end up using it enough to justify buying it (exactly what happened with my netbook).

Chapters is selling the Kobo Vox, but the reviews I’ve read have been less than stellar. There are issues with it not acknowledging page turns etc. until the third or fourth try, which would drive me crazy. My biggest issue with my Sony Reader is that on some files it take a few seconds to turn the page, which can really ruin the flow of a book.

I’ve looked at a few other makes, but so far nothing is jumping out at me.

Have any of you tried out any of these smaller (7″ or so) tablets? Is it worth the money? Do you use them as an ereader? Let me know what you think.

Dark Inside- Jeyn Roberts

Written By: Kellie - Dec• 12•11

Synopsis: Since mankind began, civilizations have always fallen: the Romans, the Greeks, the Aztecs…Now it’s our turn. Huge earthquakes rock the world. Cities are destroyed. But something even more awful is happening. An ancient evil has been unleashed, turning everday people into hunters, killers, crazies.

Mason’s mother is dying after a terrible car accident. As he endures a last vigil at her hospital bed, his school is bombed and razed to the ground, and everyone he knows is killed. Aries survives an earthquake aftershock on a bus, and thinks the worst is over when a mysterious stranger pulls her out of the wreckage, but she’s about to discover a world changed forever. Clementine, the only survivor of an emergency town hall meeting that descends into murderous chaos, is on the run from savage strangers who used to be her friends and neighbors. And Michael witnesses a brutal road rage incident that is made much worse by the arrival of the police–who gun down the guilty party and then turn on the bystanding crowd.

Where do you go for justice when even the lawmakers have turned bad? These four teens are on the same road in a world gone mad. Struggling to survive, clinging on to love and meaning wherever it can be found, this is a journey into the heart of darkness – but also a journey to find each other and a place of safety. -Goodreads

Review: I don’t give 5 star reviews often, so it should be pretty obvious that I loved this book.Love, love, loved it! I started reading it late last night on PulseIt! and finished before lunch time today. There have been so many great dystopian/post apocalyptic books out lately, that I definitely incredible it can be to read a book where you actually see the chaos of the world ending, rather than just the aftermath. Right from the get go, this book is sad and disturbing but it can’t help but ring true and drag you along for the ride.

The book switches viewpoints fairly often, but is still easy to follow (although, both guys having M names gets a little confusing later on and I had to keep stopping to confirm which was which). All four of the main characters had distinct personalities and interesting viewpoints at the end of the world as we know it. It will be interesting to see all of their stories become cohesive as the series progresses. (Before I even reached the end of the book I had to stop and make sure this was a series as I definitely want Jeyn Roberts to keep writing these for awhile).

The reason for all the apocalyptic epicness is only hinted at in this debut, but it works. Actually, I’m really curious to see how the entire series plays out and am curious how many books are planned, just so I can get a sense of the pacing since things didn’t really start to come together until the end.

It is really hard to write a decent sized blog post when you don’t really have anything to criticize because you don’t want to give anything away since everyone reading this post should definitely be going out of their way to read this book. Hop to it! Great story, great writing, great characters… it’s all there, so go read Dark Inside.

Buy the book @Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN)


Second Opinions:
@Daisy Chain Book Reviews
@Wondrous Reads