Graceling- Kristin Cashore

Written By: Kellie - May• 05•12

Synopsis: Katsa has been able to kill a man with her bare hands since she was eight—she’s a Graceling, one of the rare people in her land born with an extreme skill. As niece of the king, she should be able to live a life of privilege, but Graced as she is with killing, she is forced to work as the king’s thug.     When she first meets Prince Po, Graced with combat skills, Katsa has no hint of how her life is about to change. She never expects to become Po’s friend. She never expects to learn a new truth about her own Grace—or about a terrible secret that lies hidden far away . . . a secret that could destroy all seven kingdoms with words alone.

With elegant, evocative prose and a cast of unforgettable characters, debut author Kristin Cashore creates a mesmerizing world, a death-defying adventure, and a heart-racing romance that will consume you, hold you captive, and leave you wanting more. -Goodreads

Review: I’m reviewing Graceling based on my first reread of this book. I read it for the first time awhile back and loveddd the world Kristin Cashore had created, and always knew that I was going to come back to this book. With the final book in this trilogy Bitterblue coming out soon, now seemed like the perfect time, and I was definitely left wondering why I hadn’t reread this book a year ago. It’s definitely one I could keep coming back to time and time again.

Without question, the coolest part of this series is the world building. The Graceling Realm takes what is no longer a particularly original idea (some among us are born with special abilities) and takes it from a traditionally sci-fi (think X-Men) concept to one beautifully interwoven with a fantasy landscape.

The characters play another big part of why I love this book. The main character Katsa (who in no small way reminds me of Katniss) is thoughtful, unsure of herself and so very powerful. She’s a fantastic character to follow and is clearly someone you want to root for right from the beginning. I also really liked Po and (yay!) Bitterblue. I can’t wait to see what her story is.

If you haven’t read this book or Fire (the next in the series, which follows a different character) yet, I highly recommend it. They are both crazy good and don’t follow a lot of the cliches that come with either YA or fantasy novels.

Buy the book @Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN)





Second Opinions:
@Carina’s Books
@Paranormal Indulgence
@Justin’s Book Blog

Divergent Re-Read, Discussion & Insurgent Release

Written By: Kellie - May• 03•12

So, while you are all madly reading Insurgent, I am in Cuba away from a bookstore. I know, not an awful problem to have. None the less, last week I decided to reread Divergent in preparation for Insurgent’s release so I could still feel like I am a small part of the festivities.

My second time through Divergent and I loved it as much as the first. This really is such a cool, well thought out series that is definitely going to have some staying power. The world building is great, the characters are multi-dimensional. Love, love, love all around. I’m really excited to see what Tris get’s up to next.

Why did you fall in love with Divergent? Without going into too much detail, do you think Insurgent will live up to everyone’s expectations?

Off to Cuba for a week

Written By: Kellie - May• 01•12

In a few hours I head off to the airport to go to Cuba for one of my cousins wedding. I have a few posts planned, but not as much as I would have liked so I thought I’d offer a quick explanation. I’m planning to use this week away from the computer to do some serious catching up on my reading. I’m traveling a lot! this summer so I need to find a better system for staying ahead of posts and reviews.

Have a great week everyone!

Annnnd, of course… happy Insurgent release day! I likely wont have a chance to pick up this book before I go but I just reread Divergent, and I am dying to see what happens next.

The Selection by Kiera Cass might become a TV show??

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 28•12

Last week I found some pretty exciting news while I was browsing I was reading through a list of potential new series for the fall season, and it looks like the CW (Vampire Diaries, Smallville) is considering a pilot of ‘The Selection’, based of of Kiera Cass’s series. Obviously they are trying to capitalize (heh, or Capitolize) on The Hunger Games mania, much like they did with the Vampire Diaries during the Twilight craze, but I am totally on board with this idea.

I thought The Selection was a really fun read, and I can absolutely see it translating to the small screen. There has been a recent surge of YA books being turned into TV shows, not everyone was a winner (poor Chloe, barely got nine episodes let alone nine lives) but The Selection could do really well as it really does combine elements of The Hunger Games with reality TV elements.

So what do you think… if they made the show, would you watch it?

The Selection- Kiera Cass

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 23•12

ARC provided by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for a fair and honest review

Synopsis: For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in the palace and compete for the heart of the gorgeous Prince Maxon.
But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn’t want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.
Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she’s made for herself- and realizes that the life she’s always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined. -Goodreads

Review: I wasn’t expecting to like this book. I had read some reviews that made the book out to be cheesy and an embodiment of some of the worst features of YA literature. None of those opinions was entirely wrong, but I loved this book! Yes, the names are usually too prettified to take seriously, and this book has so many things in common with The Bachelor not to notice, but it was still a great read and one I will be recommending to my Mom & sister who aren’t big YA readers but would both love this book even more than I did.

I thought I knew exactly how this story would go (I’m sure a lot of you could make some pretty good guesses) and in some ways, it was fairly predictable but still enjoyable, but it also threw me for a few loops. The love triangle was interesting (which is hard to find in a love triangle) and America’s relationship with the price was actually a lot of fun and I’m curious to see how it will play out. I’m not even sure who I’m rooting for her to end up with!

I enjoyed the dystopian society this story is set in, but found it a little simplistic. Naming the castes by number kind of took me away from the story for awhile but I do want to know more. Some elements seemed a little Panem-esk to the point where it was an obvious influence, but it didn’t take it far enough that it took away from the story or seemed like a rip-off.

Between the Hunger Games comparison and The Bachelor storyline, there aren’t a lot of unique ideas here, but everything came together really well and criticism aside, I would really recommend this book for anyone looking for a great YA escape from reality.

Buy the book @Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN)





Second Opinions:
@For Those About To Read
@Katie’s Book Blog

The Advantages of Self Publishing: Dreams Become Reality- Nikki Jefford

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 19•12

Nikki Jefford is a third generation Alaskan who found paradise in the not-so-tropical San Juan Islands where she is, once more, neighbors with Canada. She is a Westie mama married to a Frenchman.

Her book Entangled is about twin witches trying to blend in with “normals”. When one dies and a resurrection spell goes amuck, they end up having to share a body and so begins the battle between good and evil and who will figure out an extraction spell first.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

I spent over a decade attending writing conferences, pitching to agents and editors, hearing “almost, but not quite”, even having a story dropped after the editor who liked it got pregnant and left the publication. I always planned to go the traditional route of publishing till a few months ago.

When you go indie, dreams become reality. I don’t write for myself, I write to entertain readers and there’s no greater thrill for me then getting my work into a reader’s hands.

Full Control

You get to choose everything from cover art, title, publication date, and price.

You’re able to hire who you want for editing, cover art, and formatting, or do it yourself.


Let’s talk financials! On amazon you make 35% royalties on anything under $2.99, 75% on anything above. Compare that to 17% or lower once you involve agents and publishing houses.

It’s All Up to You Anyway

I’m friends with two traditionally published authors: one a successful adventure/crime writer, the other a literary genius who takes 10 years to write each novel. They both have to do all their own promoting and even editing. The adventure writer is with a huge publishing house and they didn’t contribute a dime to promoting his book. They also vetoed his cool book title and stuck him with something unbelievably lame. He even had to pay out of pocket to include photos in the book. And he gets the lowest cut?! This doesn’t make sense to me.

Before You Publish

But before you go tossing a book onto amazon, there are a few important things to keep in mind.

-The book needs to be GOOD. I wrote six novels before I self-published my seventh. Embarrassingly enough, if the indie craze had started sooner I might have put up an earlier novel and that would have been utterly HUMILIATING in the end. It takes many years of reading and writing to recognize what’s hot and what’s not.

Hire professionals! Or do a professional job. Copy editor. Cover designer. Formatting. Unless you have design skills, hire someone with a professional portfolio to put together your cover. You will still need to direct them. I spent a full week studying book covers in my genre and scouring royalty free stock sites. Formatting is a pain, but can be self-taught. I’m lucky enough to have a techy husband. Copyediting cannot be done by the author. Period. I learned the hard way that you need to hire not one, but TWO editors. An entire novel is a lot of ground to cover and even a professional is going to miss a few things. That’s where the second editor comes in.

That said, there is nothing so thrilling then submitting your novel to online book sellers and seeing your title go live!

Kendall Grey Interview

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 17•12

ReaWrite: Before we get started, can you tell us a little about who you are and your upcoming novel?

Kendall: I’m Kendall Grey, and I’ve been a whale addict for six years. My upcoming novel, INHALE, is the first in the JUST BREATHE urban fantasy romance trilogy. I jokingly tell people it’s a story about sex, whales, and rock ‘n’ roll, but there’s a lot more to it than that. Here’s the blurb:
Strangers in reality, inseparable in dreams…

After years of suffocating under her boss’s scrutiny, whale biologist Zoe Morgan finally lands a job as director of a tagging project in Hervey Bay, Australia. Success Down Under all but guarantees her the promotion of a lifetime, and Zoe won’t let anything—or anyone—stand in her way. Not the whale voices she suddenly hears in her head, not the ex who won’t take no for an answer, and especially not the gorgeous figment of her imagination who keeps saving her from the fiery hell of her dreams.

Gavin Cassidy hasn’t been called to help a human Wyldling in over a year, which is fine by him. Still blaming himself for the death of his partner, he keeps the guilt at bay by indulging in every excess his rock star persona affords. That is, until he’s summoned to protect Zoe from hungry Fyre Elementals and learns his new charge is the key to restoring order in the dying Dreaming. He never expects to fall for the feisty Dr. Morgan…nor does he realize he may have to sacrifice the woman he loves to save an entire country.

ReaWrite:- The most obvious question first… why did you decide to take the self-pub route rather than something more traditional?

Kendall: Rejection. Lots and lots of rejection. Hahaha! I pimped INHALE out to over 40 agents and editors and got nothing but form rejections. I finally attracted the interest of an agent from a big agency, but only after winning a 3-chapter critique from her through the Brenda Novak Diabetes Auction (if you’re not familiar with it, check it out – GREAT cause!). The agent liked the story, requested the full, and later asked for a revise and resubmit. In the end, she rejected it. INHALE had finaled in a lot of contests that year, so I knew the book wasn’t terrible. I felt like I was really close, but New York just wasn’t buying what I was selling. Sick to death of hearing “no,” I vowed that agent’s rejection would be the last one I’d ever get, and I took matters into my own hands.

ReaWrite: Who do you imagine as your ideal reader and how do you keep that in mind when marketing Inhale?

Kendall: My target reader is the urban fantasy lover who likes her books with side of sex, graphic language, and violence. INHALE features whales, music, Elementals, alternative worlds, so appreciation for those things helps. My style is gritty and often metaphoric, which a lot of people don’t like. I don’t pull punches. I kick bad words around like flaming hacky sacks. The world is complex. Some readers have difficulty understanding it. There are lots of clues hiding among the words. Everything’s there for a reason, though it might not be evident until the second or third book. If you prefer to be spoon-feed information, this book is NOT for you.

How do I market all that? I don’t. My strategy was to send the book to any reviewer who’d read it and hope for the best. I also attempted to brand myself (I hate that term) by creating a Kendall Grey “personality” on Twitter and Facebook. I try to appeal to my target audience through outlandish humor and sarcasm. Maybe if they like my shocking Tweets, they’ll like my books too. ;-)

ReaWrite: How many hours a week do you put into promoting Inhale? Has this fluctuated at all since you first started promoting your book?

Kendall: Man, lately it feels like promoting is all I do. I wonder whether it will pay off. It’s the end of March as I write this, and I still haven’t finished the first draft of book 3 in the trilogy. I’m freaking out because marketing/promotion eats up so much time. I probably put in an average of 2-3 hours of promotion every day, and that number is growing as I get closer to release day. Securing reviewers, organizing big release day plans, social media, blogging, and a ton of other stuff I can’t talk about yet — these are all massive time sucks.

ReaWrite: Inhale has gotten some really rave reviews from the book blogging community and it’s not even out yet. What was the best part about working with bloggers? And, what was the most challenging?

Kendall: Thanks! I’m overwhelmed by the positive response INHALE has gotten so far. Compared to traditionally published authors, my numbers are a drop in the bucket. But for an unknown indie who never expected much success, I couldn’t be happier. I’ve met some truly amazing book bloggers on this journey, and I bow down to the power they hold. The right blogger with the right following can work miracles for an author. One well-known blogger posted a glowing review for me a while back, and my Goodreads “adds” spiked like mad in the two days following. That’s an author’s dream.

On the other hand, there will always be readers who just don’t get the book, and I’m a big baby when it comes to “bad” reviews. I take everything personally, even though I know I shouldn’t. I can rationalize that my stories are not for everyone, but I’m still disappointed when readers don’t dig the book. I feel as though I’ve failed them somehow. I guess my hardest challenge in working with bloggers has been a personal one — developing a thick skin.

ReaWrite: With less than a month until the official release date, is there anything that you would have done differently?

Kendall: Not really. I’m very pleased with how well the process has moved along. The only thing I might change for future books is my working timeline. I write and revise very slowly, and the fast pace I set for this trilogy is killing me at the moment. I will plan future self-publishing ventures a little more realistically.

ReaWrite: Do you have any advice you would offer to someone who is considering self publishing?


1. Hire a professional editor.

2. Hire a professional cover designer.

3. Don’t be afraid to shell out a fair amount cash for these services. If you skimp on editing or a quality cover, the book WILL be subpar. Don’t give yourself and the rest of us a bad name. If you want respect, enlist professionals to help you.

ReaWrite: What’s next for Kendall Grey?

Kendall: I intentionally positioned several characters in the JUST BREATHE trilogy for possible books of their own down the road. These guys and girls have great stories to tell, and this world can take them in any direction. I’ve already drafted the first chapter and roughly plotted out my follow-up to JUST BREATHE. I’m really looking forward to writing that story.

I also have an idea for a totally different, off-the-wall book that my husband and I came up with. It’s a fantasy/supernatural comedy – no romance at all. The storyline has a Christopher Moore feel to it — silly, absurd, and ridiculous. But lots of fun. At least I hope so.

Thanks for having me on your blog again, Kellie!

ReaWrite: Thanks so much for being here!

Be sure to follow Kendall here, there and everywhere!

Self-Pub Week Kick Off

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 16•12

Self published books are a very polarizing issue in the literary and blogger communities and something I have always been strongly in support of. I don’t read as many as I could, but I have read some fantastic self published titles that are absolutely on par with their traditionally published counterparts.

In addition to ReaWrite, I also review for  Sift Book Reviews, which is entirely dedicated to self pubbed and indie books that fall into the range of speculative fiction. This week I’ll be bringing some of my Sift reviews over to ReaWrite. We also have an interview with a self published author I really admire, Kendall Grey who goes all out to promote her book Inhale despite a lot of prejudice from the community, and author Nikki Jefford will share her views on the pro’s of self publishing your work.

What is your opinion of self published books as a whole? Do you review them? Why or why not?

Titanic First Accounts- Tim Maltin

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 15•12

Synopsis: Fascinating firsthand accounts of the Titanic–in a deluxe package with gorgeous graphic cover art.
Historic firsthand accounts and testimonies by survivors and eye- witnesses including Lawrence Beesley, Margaret Brown, Archibald Gracie, Carlos F. Hurd and many more.

Review: Sometimes, you read a book that you will never forget. This is the first one of those Ive had in a long, long while. It was fantastically sad, endlessly heartbreaking and really, really interesting. Reading accounts of Titanic’s story from the perspective of those who lived it, really made me look at the entire legacy in a whole new perspective.

I went and watched Titanic 3D with a friend the other night (okay, a friend and my Mom) and kept chiming in with things like “don’t worry, no one actually got stuck in the boiler room, there is an escape ladder right beside the door”, or “the guy who goes down on the top of the ship with Jack and Rose, he was a actually a baker who more or less did what they do in the movie, and survived”. I won’t tell you my favorite story though, as I really do think you should read this book.

Or on the opposite end of the spectrum, since reading this book I’ve also cried at a commercial for the Titanic mini series that is on right now, in a scene where water was rushing in somewhere or another, because these first accounts really brought home how terrifying living (or not) through the entire disaster must have been.

So many different perspectives are covered, that after reading this book you will have a more complete idea of what happened than most. In one chapter, you get the run down of every single lifeboats story. It’s not at all repetitive and actually really, really interesting. Like the book I reviewed yesterday, there were some dry points for me but I’m sure they would be massively fascinating to someone else and each section has it’s place within this book. I really can’t fault a book like this for giving me more information than I wanted.

As I am writing this, it is about a half hour away from being exactly 100 years to the minute of when the Titanic hit the ice burg and it’s hard to even think about it but I am so, so glad I read this book.

Buy the book @Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN)



101 Things You Thought You Knew About the Titanic- Tim Maltin & Eloise Aston

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 13•12

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review

Synopsis: April 15th, 2012, will be the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.
People have an endless fascination with the Titanic, yet much of what they know today is a mixture of fact and fiction. In one hundred and one brief and engaging chapters, Tim Maltin, one of the foremost experts on the Titanic, reveals the truth behind the most common beliefs about the ship and the night it sank. From physics to photographs, lawsuits to love stories, Maltin doesn’t miss one tidbit surrounding its history. Heavily researched and filled with detailed descriptions, quotes from survivors, and excerpts from the official inquiries, this book is guaranteed to make readers rethink everything they thought they knew about the legendary ship and its tragic fate. -Goodreads

Review: This was a perfect read for Titanic week as there is just soooo much information in this book. I’m 100% sure that I didn’t understand even close to all of it but I feel like I can actually talk intelligently on several Titanic issues now. Between this book at another I’ll be reviewing tomorrow, I am really impressed with Tim Maltin. He is my new found Titanic guru. He knows his stuff!

This book covers a wide variety of topics with chapters focusing on design, the SOS and so much more. Some areas did feel a little dry for me, but I think in reading this book everyone will have areas that appeal to them but if you’re interested in the story of the Titanic, then without question, there is a lot of really interesting information you can learn from this book.

To be fair, if you’re anything of a Titanic buff, there will be facts in here you already know but the background information that goes with each section will likely put it into a perspective you hadn’t considered before.

Highly recommended read for anyone with any interest in the Titanic!

Buy the book @Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN)





Second Opinions:
@Concert Katie
@The Paperback Pursuer
@Book Reviews & News