Synopsis: In her ninety-three remarkable years, Brenda Ueland published six million words. She said she had two rules she followed absolutely: to tell the truth, and not to do anything she didn’t want to do. Her integrity shines throughout If You Want to Write, her bestselling classic on the process of writing that has already inspired
thousands to find their own creative center. Carl Sandburg called this book “the best book ever written about how to write.” Yet Ueland reminds us that “whenever I say ‘writing’ in this book, I also mean anything that you love and want to do or make.” -Goodreads
Review: Today is my birthday so I wanted to share a book that I really loved. I read this after it was recommended on Felicia Day’s vlog and I’m so glad I did. Even if writing isn’t your cup of tea, this book is easily the most inspiring thing I have ever read. More than once she will point out that everything she is referencing can be used in any kind of creative endeavor, anything you’re passionate about.
The main thing to take away from this book is to let enthusiasm guide you but there are so many thought provoking pieces of advice that I really can’t do justice to, that I just don’t want to get too far into anything. Everything written in this book is undeniably positive and there is no question that Brenda Ueland was an incredibly kind woman, and would have been an amazing writing teacher, or really… life coach.
So, no matter what it is you want to do, or love to do I would highly recommend reading this book for a little boost of extra inspiration and oomph. I will probably be rereading this again within a few months just to make sure everything sticks in my brain, and years from now this will probably be one of the most read books on my shelf.
Buy the book @Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN)
Second Opinions:
@Writing in the House of Dreams
@Living A Life Of Writing