Promo and Review Copies: Rainbird by Rabia Gale

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 05•12

Rainbird by Rabia Gale

As some of you know I am working towards building my book publicity experience, and part of that is that I have taken on publicity for two fantasy novellas by Rabia Gale. I read this story and really enjoyed it, but thought posting a review might seem a bit biased. Starting tomorrow I will begin contacting some of my favorite reviewers to see who might be interested in review copies… but for now I am just throwing this out there to see if any of my lovely readers are interested in a review copy. Even if you don’t run a review site of any kind, we can always use more Goodreads and Amazon reviews.

Thanks so much! Love you all!


She’s a halfbreed in hiding.

Rainbird never belonged. To one race, she’s chattel. To the other, she’s an abomination that should never have existed.

She lives on the sunway.

High above the ground, Rainbird is safe, as long as she does her job, keeps her head down, and never ever draws attention to herself.

But one act of sabotage is about to change everything.
For Rainbird. And for her world.

Request a Review Copy


World Fantasy Convention 2012

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 04•12

World Fantasy Convention is essentially a conference for genre readers and writers, so we can all get together and discuss the books that we love and what’s new in the industry. There are various panels with excellent authors, an art show, a dealers room and a huge book bag for everyone who takes part. The convention (which to me seemed more like a conference) moves around the world every year. This year it was in Toronto, Canada (definitely travelable distance for me) and it moves to Birmingham, UK next year.

What originally interested me in this years event was that the always awesome Patricia Briggs was one of the special guests. She has been a favorite of mine for some time, and both she and Anne Bishop would be in attendance. Not only did I see Patricia Briggs speak on a panel about monsters in literature, but I stood next to Anne Bishop for a good five minutes while we were both waiting in the lobby. I know, I’m a dork and get my literary thrills in pretty odd places.

Another highlight for me was seeing Patrick Rothfuss speak. I haven’t read The Name of the Wind yet (but got a copy at the convention) but have watched him on Geek and Sundry, where he does a writers chat every few weeks. He seems like a really intelligent guy, so I’m looking forward to reading his book.

I also volunteered at the Book Bag Stuffing party, which meant I spent just over six hours hauling books around, but got to pick which books went into my own book bag, which I’m sure you can imagine was a lot of fun. I got a lot of titles that I’m really looking forward to reading. You can check out my most recent Stacking the Shelves post to see some of the great books I got that I’ll be reading soon.

I’ll be doing a more thorough recap for Geek Speak Magazine, which you’ll be able to find on their website at the end of the month.

Book Haul (11.03)

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 03•12

stacking the shelves

Hi everyone! I just got back from the 2012 World Fantasy Convention here in Toronto. I’m exhausted but I had a blast. I even got to volunteer on Wednesday and help pack the book bags, which meant I got to pick the titles I wanted… plus, I couldn’t help but buy some as well. I will write a separate post about the convention itself, but for now… the books!


To Name a Few

The Friday Society- Adrienne Kress
The Way We Fall & The Lives We Lost- Megan Crewe
Alice in Zombieland- Gena Showalter
Ink- Allison Sun
The Name of the Wind- Patrick Rothfuss
Queen of Wands- John Ringo
The Shining City- Fiona Patton
Falling Kingdoms- Morgan Rhodes
Fevre Dream- George R. R. Martin
Angel’s Ink-  Jocelyn Drake
Silence- Michelle Sagara
The Golden Age- After the Golden Age

This isn’t all of them, but I stupidly went and put the books into my shelves so I am doing this mostly by memory but I believe between my book bag and purchases I walked away with 18 books. Tomorrow (or today by post time), I’m off to the Ontario Book Blogger meetup and I couldn’t be more excited. I am participating in the book swap and am sure I’ll have a lot of new books next week as well. I have no idea how I’ll ever get time to read all of these, but I’m looking forward to it!

Cover Reveal- Extracted: The Lost Imperials

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 02•12

Title: Extracted: The Lost Imperials (Book One)
Authors: Sherry D. Ficklin & Tyler H. Jolley
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press (
ISBN: 978-1-937053-68-0
Release Date: 11/12/13 (cool date for a time-travel book, eh?)
Formats: Paper, e-book

Synopsis: Welcome to the war.

 The Tesla Institute is a premier academy that trains young time travelers called Rifters. Created by Nicola Tesla, the Institute seeks special individuals who can help preserve the time stream against those who try to alter it.
The Hollows is a rogue band of Rifters who tear through time with little care for the consequences. Armed with their own group of lost teens–their only desire to find Tesla and put an end to his corruption of the time stream.
Torn between them are Lex and Ember, two Rifters with no memories of their life before joining the time war.
When Lex’s girlfriend dies during a mission, the only way he can save her is to retrieve the Dox, a piece of tech which allows Rifters to re-enter their own timeline without collapsing the time stream. But the Dox is hidden deep within the Telsa Institute, which means Lex must go into the enemy camp. It’s there he meets Ember, and the past that was stolen from them both comes flooding back.
Now armed with the truth of who they are, Lex and Ember must work together to save the future before the battle for time destroys them both…again.
If you are interested in a review copy, visit the Spencer Hill Press website and fill out the reviewer form.

Kicking off November with some news and giveaway winners

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 01•12

Happy November everyone! For those of you doing NaNoWriMo, good luck and have fun! I’ll be right there with you chugging along and trying to get a decent amount of words out every day. So far, so good.

We’ll start with the Zombie Dayz giveaway winners… *drumroll* Diana will be receiving the Book Prize pack and Dora’s zombie survival plan has won her the Zombie Swag pack. Congrats, and thanks to everyone who took part! I had a lot of fun reading all of these zombie apocalypse books and will likely have some other zombie related features in the future.

On to the news!

So, I had planned to have a major makeover up and running around midnight but decided it could wait so I could get some writing done. While ReaWrite was originally created as both a review site and a writing site, it definitely follows reading news and reviews way more than writing. But lately I have a bunch of writing and book publicity related projects and they just don’t feel like they fit on this blog so I decided to branch out into two blogs. One (this one) will continue on with business as usual, while the other will cover everything else.

So, if you’re so inclined you can head over to ReaWrite: World of Books for all things writing and book publicity. In order gain experience towards my goal of working in book publicity I am taking on some projects and internships. As of this morning, you can visit my new blog and request a review copy of Rainbird by Rabia Gale. Once I get through this weekend I will be approaching some of my favorite reviewers who might be interested in reviewing, but for now you should head over and have a look.

Also, you should definitely stop by (which no longer redirects to this blog) and admire my prettiful new splash page.

Review: Siege by Rhiannon Frater

Written By: Kellie - Oct• 31•12

Publisher: Tor Books
Publish Date: August 14th, 2009
Source: Purchased

4/5 Rotting corpses

Synopsis: As the survivors continue to seek stability in their lives, forces both inside and outside the fort walls move them toward a final, climactic conflict between the living and the dead.  Jenni, Katie and the others discover that they are not alone, that there is another enclave of survivors whose leaders plan to take over the fort.

Faced with a series of difficult decisions, each choice they make could lead to the deaths of those they love or, if not careful, their own demise. Meanwhile, an army of the dead is descending on the fort. Soon, the living will face their ultimate fear…a siege by the dead.

But they will fight to the end to survive… As the world dies. -Goodreads

Review: Siege by Rhiannon Frater is the final book in the As the World Dies, zombie trilogy that I have so thoroughly enjoyed. The first book in the series was easily my first real initiation into reading the zombie apocalypse as opposed to watching it, and it only got better from there. Alas, the one downside of reviewing all three books in a series during one week is you notice when you’re repeating a lot of the same things, so I’m going to keep this one short. Obviously, I’m pretty convinced everyone should be reading these books (even if you’re not normally a zombie lit fan).

Once again, the strength of this series comes from the two main characters, Jennie and Katie. The chemistry between these two is great, and I wish there were more books out there that focused on a friendship relationship above a romantic one. Both girls have great romantic storylines, even going into the third book in the series, but those stories always come after plots about being there for your friends and kick some zombie butt.

This series is great, and I fully credit it with solidifying my zombie story obsession. Read these books, and not only are you in for a good story but you will be slightly better prepared for when the zombie apocalypse comes knocking on your door.

Buy Siege by Rhiannon Frater
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review
@Parajunkee’s Review
@The Bookish Brunette

Zombie Week: Rhiannon Frater Interview

Written By: Kellie - Oct• 30•12

rhiannon frater interview

This is the day I’ve been waiting for all week, Rhiannon Frater Interview day! Woop, woop! Alright, official business time… enjoy!

Today at ReaWrite we have the wonderful Rhiannon Frater, author of the ‘As The World Dies’ trilogy you have been seeing all over ReaWrite this week. If you’re just tuning in, the series is a riveting look at the realities of surviving a zombie apocalypse because it isn’t all guns and action, you need to help start society from scratch and that’s no small task. Without further ado… Rhiannon!

ReaWrite– Hi there, thank you so much for doing this! First off, could you tell us a little about yourself, and your books?

Rhiannon– I’m Texan, I live in Austin, I’m married to a great guy, I have purple hair, and I love to wear black.

As for the books, they were inspired by my travels as a governmental consultant. I started writing AS THE WORLD DIES online in 2005, self-published it in 2008, and in 2010 Tor bought the entire trilogy. The revised versions started hitting bookshelves in 2011 and the final one, SIEGE, came out April of this year.

I’m also a hybrid author, which means I continue to self-publish some of my novels while continuing to publish with Tor.  My latest is PRETTY WHEN SHE KILLS, a sequel to my modern day vampire/necromancer/zombie novel PRETTY WHEN SHE DIES.


So I’m pretty busy!

ReaWrite– After reading your trilogy, it’s clear that you are a fan of zombie fiction. How did you decide what your ‘zombie rules’ would be in terms of things like movement speed, infection etc.?

Rhiannon– It takes place in Texas and we’re heavily armed, so that was the primary thing I had to take into account. So to make the virus spread quickly, I had to make the zombies very fast in the beginning. They slow down over time as wear and tear, the elements, rot, etc takes hold.  Also, zombies are stupid, so they’ll walk off a bridge trying to get to a human they see in the street below.

ReaWrite– Both Katie and Jenni are such strong characters, do you have a favorite?

Rhiannon– I love them both dearly. I would like to be more like Katie, because she’s so strong, but I don’t have a favorite between the two.

ReaWrite– Right from the beginning of the series you have had no issues with writing for heartbreak or tackling some pretty politically charged subjects. What was the hardest part of this series to write?

Rhiannon– The hardest part was the death of a character I adored, but didn’t know was going to die. It comes very close to the end of the novel after there have already been some major deaths.  When I realized this one particular character was not going to make it, I stalled writing the death scene for about a week. I finally gave up and wrote it, but I sobbed the whole time.  The character is in the supporting cast, but one of the more beloved ones.

ReaWrite– How long do you think you’d survive during the zombie apocalypse? What would your survival plan involve?

Rhiannon– I live in Texas, so I hope I’d last for a long while. I’m surrounded by military bases and we own weapons. Plus, there is a lot of empty land in Texas.  As for my survival plan, I’d shoot for the head, pay attention to what the authorities were doing, and use the grey cells in my head.

ReaWrite– What are you currently working on?

I’m working on DEAD SPOTS for Tor. It will be released sometime in 2013. It’s a very disturbing premise and it’s been a challenge to write. It’s the story of a woman who becomes trapped in a nightmare world between the living and the dead and her struggle to escape.

ReaWrite– Sounds awesome, and more than a little chilling. Thank you again for answering questions today and being a part of zombie week.

If you want to learn more about Rhiannon, you can visit her at her website and be sure to check back tomorrow for my review of Siege, the final book in the ‘As The World Dies’ trilogy.

Review: Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter

Written By: Kellie - Oct• 29•12

alice in zombieland

Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Publish Date: September 25th, 2012
Source: Purchased

Review: 4/5 White Rabbits

Synopsis: Had anyone told Alice Bell that her entire life would change course between one heartbeat and the next, she would have laughed. From blissful to tragic, innocent to ruined? Please. But that’s all it took. One heartbeat. A blink, a breath, a second, and everything she knew and loved was gone.

Her father was right. The monsters are real….To avenge her family, Ali must learn to fight the undead. To survive, she must learn to trust the baddest of the bad boys, Cole Holland. But Cole has secrets of his own, and if Ali isn’t careful, those secrets might just prove to be more dangerous than the zombies…. -Goodreads

Review: I am a long time Alice in Wonderland fan, but a recent zombie convert, so Alice in Zombieland was definitely the book I was most excited to read for Zombie Dayz. The Alice in Wonderland story is a good matchup for a lot of genre based stories where a character from our world starts to uncover strange new elements to their world that they never imagined. Plus, the cover is wonderful. I’m definitely not sick of the girls in pretty dresses trend yet, and I love that the color and image of Alice still go along with the more traditional tellings of this story.

At first, I was a little disappointed that it wasn’t a typical zombie story, and as such would be missing a lot of the survival story-lines that I usually read these books for, but the story still worked and had a lot to offer in place of cowering in abandoned hospitals as hordes of the undead converge. Gena Showalter brought a really unique perspective to the usual zombie rules, so don’t go into this book expecting to know how everything works. At times the Showalter zombies did come off as a bit silly, but having victims being able to surive zombie bites does make for some extremely scary scenes.

The pacing of the story flows nicely, and I never felt as though I had way too much information being thrown at me. Like Ali, I would be the one getting right down to it and asking every question that came to mind, and I felt like the author satisfied this need really well. If you’re going to go ahead and change all the rules on me, you better be willing to provide any and all of the information I’m looking for.

Of course, the scenes are only scary because the author managed to make all of her characters genuine and likeable. Each scene played out so nicely in my head because such vivid images of the characters had been created for me, right from each introduction. Ali is of course the favorite as she is pretty damn fearless, but never in an obnoxious way. She is probably one of the strongest lead characters I’ve read this year, and that’s saying a lot. Her best friend Kat was also down-right charming and unstoppable. I would love to hang out with both characters, any time. The love interest of the book gets an honorable mention as well, but this is arguably spoiler territory, so I won’t go there for now.

I’ll admit that the first book I read by Gena Showalter wasn’t a big hit with me, but this concept was just too good to pass up. I couldn’t resist, and I’m glad I didn’t. I loved this book. It’s not remotely a “typical zombie book”, but it does combine zombie lore with YA reading almost perfectly. I can’t wait to see what the next book in this series will bring.

Buy Alice in Zombieland
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions
@Katie’s Book Blog
@The Bookish Brunette
@The Unread Reader

Review: The Walking Dead, Volume 1

Written By: Kellie - Oct• 28•12

the walking dead volume 1

Publisher: Image Comics
Publish Date: September 26th, 2006
Source: Purchased

Rating: 4/5 Walking Dead agree… these comics are awesome!

Summary: An epidemic of apocalyptic proportions has swept the globe, causing the dead to rise and feed on the living. In a matter of months, society has crumbled: There is no government, no grocery stores, no mail delivery, no cable TV. Rick Grimes finds himself one of the few survivors in this terrifying future. A couple months ago he was a small town cop who had never fired a shot and only ever saw one dead body. Separated from his family, he must now sort through all the death and confusion to try and find his wife and son. In a world ruled by the dead, we are forced to finally begin living. -Goodreads

Review: I started reading The Walking Dead, Volume 1 after finishing off season two of the television show and becoming completely obsessed. I volunteered to write a comparison for Geek Speak Magazine, looking at the differences between the story and characters in the show, and the original comic book which was a lot of fun and have since become a fan of the comics as well. In the end, I still prefer the show, as those are the versions of the characters I’ve gotten attached to, but this first collection of stories from The Walking Dead universe is still well worth a read for graphic novel lovers.

The first collection of comics covers two story arcs (according to Robert Kirkman at least), both of which are fast paced and a little terrifying. Both stories cover a nice balance between the external threat of the zombies, and looking at the sometimes much scarier realities of what people are capable of. There’s even a brief stint where we get to see the consequences of plain old human stupidity. For me, zombie stories are all about the survival elements and The Walking Dead shows that reality so wonderfully. It’s dark, and scary but the elements that have shaped human society are still there. Love it!

The art in the comics is great and really bring the grittyness of the apocalypse to life while still making the characters seem like genuine people, just doing their thing at the end of the world. Personally, the best part has to be the zombies as they are wonderfully detailed while still having a lesser ick factor on the page, than they do on screen. There is a lot of detail work throughout every issue, and there is no question that the art is as much of what brings these stories alive as the dialogue.

My biggest issue with the comics is only really in comparing it to the shows. The pacing is just too much, too fast and so it never really feels like there is any tension building, as anyone can die in the span of three panels and the characters are constantly on the move from place to place. There is still a huge cast of characters though, so readers never get enough time to get genuinely attached to anyone besides Rick.

Volume 1 leaves off in essentially the same place as the first episode of season 3 of the show. There are quite a few changes, and the whose who of survivors is different but the story is very much the same. I really enjoyed reading the comics, even with a general idea of how the story was going to go. It’s fast paced, tense and just a tiny bit hopeful. Even in the very worst situations, there’s still some good to be found. While I’m sure most graphic novel fans have already read a good chunk of The Walking Dead, I will still go ahead and say I highly recommend these comics for both fans of the show and other zombie enthusiasts.

Buy The Walking Dead, Volume 1
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@Book Whore Blog
@Reeds to Reels
@Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review

Review: Fighting to Survive by Rhiannon Frater

Written By: Kellie - Oct• 27•12

fighting to survive

Publisher: Tor Books
Publish Date: November 8th, 2011
Source: Purchased

Rating: 5/5 Zombies

Synopsis: Picking up where The First Days ends, Fighting to Survive features the further zombie-killing, civilization-saving adventures of a pair of sexy, kick butt heroines and the men who love them. A hundred or so survivors of the zombie plague have found tenuous safety in the walled off center of a small Texas town. Now the hard work of survival begins—finding enough food; creating safe, weather-resistant shelter; establishing laws; and fighting off both the undead who want to eat them and the living bandits who want to rob and kill them. -Goodreads

Review: Like the first book in this series, Fighting to Survive focuses more on the act of surviving the zombie apocalypse (no easy task) then on an overarching plot. There are plenty of smaller story-lines that bring all of the characters together and go a long way towards keeping readers invested and the action nonstop, the zombies do the rest of the work.

The first chunk of the book focused on the massive task of clearing the undead out of the local hotel so that the survivors could relocate and enjoy a bit more luxury and privacy. Every floor brought its own challenges and the plan definitely didn’t go down without a lot of things going horribly, horribly wrong. There are close calls for everyone and not even the best characters are guarenteed to make it out in the end. I felt like I had a fist wrapped around my heart throughout this entire part of the book.

We’re also once again faced with the vigilante who had decided to take the forts justice into his/her own hands. This seems to the one of the few plot points (not relating to character relationships) that will carry through the entire series and I’m not sure how I feel about how it’s being handled. I’m kind of hoping it’s an established character and the reveal will be this epic, shocking moment, but at the same time I don’t think there are very many characters whose reveal would actually shock me. We’ll see.

The characters continue to be the driving force in what makes these books so fantastic. The scars of the incredibly traumatic first days still live on for everyone which makes everything else seem that much more real. Just because your children being eaten alive by their father in front of you  happened in book one definitely doesn’t mean you’re over it by book two. Progress is made though and all of the main characters are slowly making peace with their new lives in their own way. Of course, the relationship between Katie and Jenni is still the highlight of the book and it’ll give you a case of the warm and fuzzies seeing how they are still a source of strength for each other.

While the overall tone and style is the same, Fighting to Survive is still a different kind of book reading experience than book 1. Everyone is now faced with the challenges of starting a new society, in addition to surviving the zombie threats that seem to just keep coming. The politics of the fort get really juicy and more than a little complicated and that makes for a great read. You know, just in case I haven’t mentioned yet that I’m really enjoying this series.

There are ups and downs throughout this entire book and it’s the emotional roller-coaster that is really going to get you hooked.

You can visit Rhiannon Frater on her website or on twitter.

Buy Fighting to Survive
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@Pure Textuality
@Blood, Sweat & Books
@Bad Ass Book Reviews