Dreaming of Summer Blog Hop

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 26•12

Giveaway hop time! It’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these but it seems like a great fit since I am definitely ‘dreaming of summer’. Gotta love these Canadian winters… not!

Side note: Rafflecopter seems to be having some issues. If you cannot see the entry widget, try refreshing.


Up for grabs: Any 1 (one) of the above books OR a book of your choice from The Book Depository worth up to $12 USD.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. You must be 13 or older to enter.
  2. You may chose one of the books listed above, or chose your own.
  3. You do not have to be a follower, but it is appreciated!
  4. Giveaway is international as long as The Book Depository ships to you for free.
  5. Contest dates are 11/27 – 12/2
  6. Good luck and be sure to check out the other blogs participating on this hop.


Breaking Dawn Part 2 Movie Discussion (Spoilers!!)

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 21•12

Ooo, boy. This is it, (probably) the final time I will have an excuse to talk Twilight on the blog. Breaking Dawn Part 2 came out last weekend, and while I wasn’t first in line (or even present) at a midnight showing, I did go see it on Sunday to limit my chances of any big twists being spoiled for me via Twitter.

If you haven’t seen the movie yet (and are planning to), now is the time to stop reading. The spoilers are coming! I’ve written a full review for Geek Speak Magazine, which will be up later this week, but now I just want to talk about exactly what I loved, and what I hated.

The third chunk of Breaking Dawn was my favorite of the book series, but I still found the first part of the movie pretty painful to watch. They tried to throw a lot of elements and important scenes into half an hour (not including the heinously long opening credits sequence) and it felt really disjointed. Couple that with bad acting and I was worried I’d leave the movie feeling let down and disappointed.

Kristen Stewart was never able to portray any real motherly feelings for Renesmee, CGI’d baby Renesmee was insanely creeping looking, and Emmett went from being the hunky brother to another pale, shell of an attractive guy.

Once the main conflict showed up and we got into seeing the various vampires and their abilities, I was willing to let all of this go and just get lost in the story. All of the vampire abilities and training scenes translated really well on screen and it was easy to enjoy the lead up to the final battle.

Now let’s talk about that battle. Anyone who has read the books knew that the battle never actually happened in the original story, but we’d all seen the trailers with some epic looking fights and Edward falling into the abyss. I’d assumed that they’d been willing to stray from the original movie to make for a more dramatic ending to the series. What I wasn’t expecting was for Aro to literally rip off Carlisle’s head and have his lackeys burn the body. Quite a few people in the theater literally yelled at this point, and it was all downhill from there as. Jasper, Leah and Seth all met messy ends as well. Edward and Bella eventually dispatched Aro, but the price was high. My heart was racing through this whole scene because I had no idea what to expect.

Then! It was revealed that the whole battle scene had been one of Alice’s visions. She had been showing Aro how things would play out if he decided to push for a fight. The theater let out a collective sigh of relief. I thought it was awesome! I know a few other reviewers have said it was a lame way out of a boring ending, or an obvious ploy but I definitely didn’t see it coming. I supposed if I’d spent some time thinking it through it might have been apparent, but just sitting there lost in the movie… it was great!

The movies did a great job of staying true to the books (even with its faults), and I think the ending was great. I’m done with Twilight for awhile, but if I ever feel the need to revisit Forks it will be with a movie marathon instead of another reread.

Review: Hidden by Sophie Jordan

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 16•12

hidden by sophie jordan

Series: Firelight, #3
Publisher: HarperTEEN
Publish Date: September 11th, 2012
Source: Purchased

Rating: 3/5 – Not quite the series finale I was hoping for

Synopsis: Jacinda was supposed to bond with Cassian, the “prince” of their pride. But she resisted long before she fell in love with Will—a human and, worse, a hunter. When she ran away with Will, it ended in disaster, with Cassian’s sister, Miram, captured. Weighed down by guilt, Jacinda knows she must rescue her to set things right. Yet to do so she will have to venture deep into the heart of enemy territory.

The only way Jacinda can reach Miram is by posing as a prisoner herself, though once she assumes that disguise, things quickly spiral out of her control. As she learns more about her captors, she realizes that even if Will and Cassian can carry out their part of the plan, there’s no guarantee they’ll all make it out alive. But what Jacinda never could have foreseen is that escaping would be only the beginning….

Loyalties are tested and sacrifices made in the explosive conclusion to Sophie Jordan’s Firelight trilogy. -Goodreads

Thoughts: Ahh, I’m so sad this series is over. The Firelight series by Sophie Jordan is such a great YA reworking of Dragons that I really recommend Young Adult readers check this series out. Dragon people, plus epic twins… right up my alley and I’m really glad I found this series. To be fair, the final book probably had the least tension of the series for me and I found the ending a little lack luster, but I still really enjoyed it and am content with how the series concluded.

Like the tension, another area I found to be a little slow was the romance. Will and Jacinda are still together, and in the same predicament (kind of a Romeo and Juliet thing) as they were in the last book. Obviously, Jacinda has to make a choice in this series but what she would choose never really seemed to be up in the air. Her sister also finally gets some romantic redemption, and I was pretty invested in that relationship going well.

As usual, the strongest part of this book was the world building that goes along with the Draki, enkros, and the dragon hunters. There are so many different kinds of Draki abilities that I feel the series barely scratched the surface of the race Sophie Jordan created for this series. Unlike a lot of similar books, this really was Jacinda’s story and not the story of how Jacinda changed everything for the Draki race. The stakes were certainly high for the main character, but I would have liked to see the broad reaching results of what happened in this series. If there is going to be a second book in the series, you can sign me up right now.

This is the second trilogy in the last couple of months that hasn’t quite lived up to my final book expectations, but I would still guess I’ll be rereading this series in the next few years. I feel like maybe I’ve been a bit too harsh on this book, but if I have it’s just because of how much I enjoyed the first two books in the series.

Buy Hidden by Sophie Jordan
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@Mundie Moms
@I Just Wanna Sit Here and Read
@Vy’s Blog

Promo: Vanquished by Vivi Anna

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 15•12


Synopsis: Smart and sexy, Kat has the fighting skills of a warrior and the kind of determination few men can match. She’s caught in a post-apocalyptic world where only the rich live well and Kat is determined to be one of them.

To make her dream come true and reunite with her daughter, the fearless treasure hunter has to get her hands on a lot of money, and that’s going to take every bit of talent she’s got. With her devoted partner Damian by her side, Kat sets out to make one last big score in a city rumored to be the nesting place of vicious mutants.

The stakes are high and they get even higher when she discovers her rival, Hades, is after the same thing. Big, mean, and sexy as hell, he’s the sort of man Kat loves to tangle with, particularly if he can help her in her quest. -Goodreads

Visit Vivi Anna on her website, here.



Chapter One




Dust devils whirled viciously around the broken remains of civilization.  Buildings that once stood proud and strong were now only jagged cement shards protruding from infertile dirt and rock.  The sun was a big glaring ball of light in the sky.  Where it had once produced growth and warmth, it now scorched what was left of the Earth with its brutal rays.

Kat looked up into the blistering sun and wondered for the second time today what in the hell she was doing out on the Outer Rim.  The fierce, arid wind whipped at her cloak and tried to tear it from her body.  Sand peppered her face like a tiny barrage of bullets.  Pulling her hood forward, she adjusted her tinted goggles over her eyes and continued to search the rubble for her treasure.  No small feat, considering her right eye was covered by a black leather eye-patch.

She kicked at the dirt and crumbled concrete with her steel-toed jackboots.  Nothing.  They’d been searching for nearly two hours now.  She glanced over at her partner.

“Damian!  See anything?”

Damian stood from where he squatted, raising his head toward Kat, his blue eyes glinting in the sun.  He held up his hand, something encased in his glove.

“Just this cute little dolly.”  He waved it at her, grinning mischievously.

The doll, headless and encrusted in filth, rattled in his hand.

“Quit fucking around.  And put on your goggles.”  Kat shook her head.  The kid knew better.  An hour under the unprotected sun produced cataracts.  Cataracts usually led to blindness.  She’d seen it happen more and more.  Her sister had succumbed to blindness before she had died from the flu.  Damian was lucky he had his hood pulled over his head.

“Yes, momsie.”  Damian reached around to his pack and unzipped a compartment.  He came away with his tinted goggles.

Kat watched him put them on.

“Better?”  He flashed a grin.

She shook her head but smiled.  He always managed to make her smile.  That was one of the reasons she had bartered for his life two years ago.

Top Ten: Books I would want with me on a deserted island

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 13•12

top ten tuesday

This week for Top Ten Tuesday (which is hosted by The Broke & The Bookish) we’re looking at the top 10 books you would want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island. At first my brain just goes to my favorites, but ever the pragmatist, I couldn’t help but give this some serious thought in order to make sure I had as much reading material as possible.

1. The Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop
This is my favorite series of all time, and I am lucky enough to own the entire trilogy in one book, so they all get to come with me while only counting as one book. Score!

2. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
I tried to read these when I was in high school and really struggled to get through them. I think I would enjoy this series (which is also technically only one book, so I’m going to count it) more  now, but can never find the time to read it.

3. The Stand by Stephen King
I’ve already reread this book a few times over, but I still love it. It’s also a biggg book, so it will last me awhile. Mostly, it’s the rereadability that got this book it’s spot on my raft.

4. Under the Dome by Stephen King
This is the first on the list that I actually haven’t read yet, but I’m really interested in the concept. It’s just been too big a book for me to find time for since it came out. Bad I know, but at least if I’m ever stuck on an island I’m not going to have to worry about keeping up with reviews.

5. Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
I know a lot of people are bringing the entire series, but I’m obeying the laws of physics on this one. I’m only bringing my favorite book of the series, which also happens to be the longest.

6. A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin
The first book took me so long to read that I haven’t even tried to tackle the second book yet. I’d almost look forward to a little deserted island time if it gave me a chance to read this book.

7. The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll by Lewis Carroll
A lot of the books I’ve chosen have been on the heavier side of the content scale so these are coming with me to make sure I’ve got the option of a little bit of whimsy from time to time.

8. Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
I’m not as head over heals with The Mortal Instruments as many book lovers, but I’ve heard good things about this series and I could really use some more books I haven’t already read on my list.

9. The Other Boleyn Girl by Phillippa Gregory
My all time favorite historical fiction read, and I would love the chance to read it all over again.

10. National Geographic’s Answer Book
I’ve had this book for awhile now and haven’t even cracked it open even though I’m dying to read it. It’s a book of interesting stuff about the natural world. It might freak me out a bit while living on an unknown island but I might as well do some learning.

Books I will miss while I’m away… Three of my favorite authors tend to write smaller (in comparison to most of the books I’ve chosen here) titles in series that go on for a long time. I cant justify bringing Shifters by Rachel Vincent, Mercy Thompson by Patricia Briggs or The Kitty Norville books by Carrie Vaughn but I will be thinking of them fondly while I’m working on my tan.

Review: The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 12•12

Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Publish Date: January 24th, 2012
Source: Freebie from a book event

Rating: 4/5 Coyotes

Synopsis: When sixteen-year-old Kaelyn lets her best friend leave for school without saying goodbye, she never dreams that she might not see him again. But then a strange virus begins to sweep through her small island community, infecting young and old alike. As the dead pile up, the government quarantines the island: no one can leave, and no one can come back.

Those still healthy must fight for the island’s dwindling supplies, or lose all chance of survival. As everything familiar comes crashing down, Kaelyn joins forces with a former rival and discovers a new love in the midst of heartbreak. When the virus starts to rob her of friends and family, she clings to the belief that there must be a way to save the people she holds dearest. Because how will she go on if there isn’t? -Goodreads

Review: The Way We Fall covers the slow spread of a contagious disease through a small island here in Canada. Unlike a lot of the plagues we see in apocalyptic fiction, and the slower pace actually managed to increase the tension tenfold. Kaelyn’s story was scary, sad and endearing all at once. Plus, Canadian! I picked up a copy in my book bag at World Fantasy Convention (and also got my hands on an ARC of the sequel).

With the exception of a few high tension moments, this is not an action-packed book of any sort. The tension builds slowly as the disease spreads and the situation looks increasingly worse. I can see while this might turn a lot of readers away from The Way We Fall, but I thought it was a great change of pace from the brimstone and epic battles stories that this genre tends to lean towards. The stakes are still high in Megan Crewe’s version, and millions possibly billions of lives could be at risk. The story never felt unimportant, and I’m curious to see if the scale will increase at all with the next book in the series.

The story is told through Kaelyn’s journal of sorts, although she’s addressing them to a friend she lost touch with a couple  of years ago. Kaelyn is a great narrator to introduce us to life on her island, and you will really come to care for the people in her life. Her relationships with her family are especialy touching and a few scenes had me misting up just from the way Kaelyn retold them. Also, diversity points as Kaelyn comes from a mixed race family, and there is a lot of emphasis into how looking different cant effect your life in an isolated community.

Overall, great reading and big points for the constant Canadian references. I got through The Way We Fall in a couple of days, and have already started book two of the series. If you’re a fan of apocalypse stories, this is a must read. The style reminded me quite a bit of Life As We Knew It and I really enjoyed both books.

Buy The Way We Fall
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@My Cute Bookshelf
@The Book Smugglers
@Supernatural Snark

Sunday in bed with books (11.11)

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 11•12

Sundays in bed with books is a weekly meme hosted by Midnight Book Girl that asks what book you’re snuggling up with this Sunday morning. Today I’m reading XVI by Julia Karr, although I probably should be writing. Later on today I’m off to see the Alice in Wonderland Ballet here in in Toronto and I couldn’t be more excited. Yay for Sundays!

Review: Switch by Carol Snow

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 09•12

Publisher: Harper Teen
Publish Date: September 1st, 2008
Source: Purchased

Rating: 3/5 Lightning Storms

Summary: Not much happens in Claire’s sleepy beach town, but that’s okay. All she wants is to hang out with her best friend, make the high school swim team, and convince Nate, the guy of her dreams, to stop calling her “Dude.” And, oh–she’d really, “really” like to stay in her own skin.

Ever since Claire hit her teens, electrical storms have been making her switch bodies. Usually she’s back to her old self in no time. But when something goes terribly wrong, she finds herself stuck as another girl. And not just any girl, but the icy beauty who has caught Nate’s eye. -Goodreads

Review: I picked up Switch by Carol Snow on a whim from bookcloseouts.com just because it sounded like a good story, and it was.  It’s a fairly small book, and a very quick read. I almost wish I had saved it for my next trip as it’s a perfect vacation story in both size and scope. It’s even set at the beach, even better! This story isn’t flawless but the concept is cool (body switching!) and due to the short length, the story flows together really well. Never a dull moment.

The beginning of the book got a little bogged down with character descriptions. Every new person that was introduced got a full paragraph about what they looked like, a brief history, their personality and usually what they were wearing at that moment. Sometimes one right after the other. The characters themselves were pretty stereotypical  and what you would expect from a story like this but still well written and easy to root for. Claire is a jock who wants to catch the eye of the cutest guy at school, she does have some interesting family relations and a passion for swimming so at least she isn’t two dimensional.

Switched is an easy and enjoyable read, with a cover that suits the book really nicely (I just noticed the lightening shirt). If you’re looking for a light YA read that isn’t your typical paranormal read, this could be it.

Buy Switch by Carol Snow
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@Middle of the Road Reviews
@YA Book Diva Reviews
@Em’s Bookshelf

The Last Witch Blog Tour: Interview with Debbie Dee

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 07•12

: Hi Debbie! Thank you so much for joining us on ReaWrite. First off, can you tell us a bit about yourself and The Last Witch?

Debbie: Thanks so much for having me! A little bit about me – I’m a 30-something mom of three and married to my high school sweetheart. We recently moved to southern Idaho with our three kids. In addition to writing, I play the piano, harp, and violin, and get in frequent fights with my cello. I love to read and play board games – when I’m winning.

THE LAST WITCH is about a girl who not only discovers she is a witch, but her ability to choose has been taken from her.  She is an Incenaga Witch and for generations they have been forced to use their power to fulfill the wishes of others until they are drained of their magic and left to die.

Emmeline is discovered and finds herself in the grip of a traitor who will stop at nothing to get what he wants, even if it means abusing her power. She is taken to a distant country and told she must marry the Crown Prince or her own country will be overtaken, its people slaughtered. But what sort of prince would marry a witch? And why would she be the difference between war and peace?

As she fights to regain her freedom, she is faced with a choice between a prince who offers a lifetime of security and a common gamekeeper who has no idea of her power, but offers his heart. But who can she trust when her power can be used against her?

ReaWrite: From concept to completion, how long did The Last Witch take you to write?

Debbie: Four years. I got the idea for THE LAST WITCH in December of 2008 and was so excited about it that I pumped out the story in less than three weeks. And then I re-read it. Wow, it was pretty bad. But I didn’t want to stop writing because it had been so much fun! So, I took classes, went to workshops and conferences, and gave my work to a ton of critics. When agents and publishers began complimenting my writing and asking for more of my work, I knew I was headed in the right direction.

Debbie: Can you give us any insight into your writing process?

ReaWrite: I’m a very visual person so I watch my characters, scenes, etc., much like I would a movie. After I have a hint of a story in my head, I hash out who my characters are –their strengths, weaknesses, backgrounds. From there, I sit in my seat, get my popcorn, and watch the show. Haha! If only it were that easy. There is some blood, sweat, and tears in there too.

Debbie: Which scene in the book (without giving too much away) was the most difficult for you? The most fun?

I had a difficult time getting through a particular scene in which Emmeline is forced to use her power in a horrifying way. She has fought so hard to prevent it, but everything piles up on her in a way that leaves her too weak to fight it anymore.

My favorite scenes to write always involved Erick. He’s such hunk, surely no one can blame me! There is a scene in which Erick and Emmeline are spying on a meeting for the rebels. It’s late at night and when they are discovered, they get separated. This scene kept me up well past my bedtime because there was no way I was going to sleep before I figured out how to get them out of the mess and back together! It was a ton of fun to write.

ReaWrite: What kind of books do you usually read? Any favorite authors?

Debbie:I love to read just about anything with a romantic sub-plot. Classics, fantasy, paranormal, historical fiction, all of it! For me, the classic story of boy-meets-girl will never grow old.

ReaWrite: What are you working on now?

Debbie: I’m finishing up the final edits for THE UNDERGROUND WITCH, book two in the Incenaga Trilogy, which will be out in spring of 2013. I’m also finishing up the final edits for a historical fiction set in ancient Egypt that I’m very excited about. I haven’t decided on the title yet, but I’m leaning toward DESERT GUARDIAN. It is about a blue-eyed, blond-haired girl who inadvertently saves Pharaoh’s son and is rewarded with an invitation to join the elite royal school in Egypt’s capital. It’s an adventurous middle-grade novel. I’m also working on a YA contemporary set in Greece, which I’m excited about.

ReaWrite: Debbie, thank you so much for answering my questions today.

It’s Monday! What are you reading? (05.11)

Written By: Kellie - Nov• 05•12

Ahh, nothing like a Monday meme to kick off the week. And ooo boy, what a week last week was. Wednesday- Friday was spent at the 2012 World Fantasy Convention, and Saturday was the Ontario Blogger Meetup. I came home with almost 50 new books to review, and probably gained some muscle from lugging them all around.

You may have also seen that I started up a second blog. I won’t be updating it nearly as regularly as this one, but it will focus on all of the book publicity stuff I’ve been doing as well as my own writing. You can head over to ReaWrite: World of Books if you fancy a digital Review Copy of Rainbird by Rabia Gale.

This week I am headed off to SFContario with Brain Lag publishing, which I am really looking forward to. I’m also hoping to keep up my momentum with my NaNoWriMo projects. I’m almost done the short story collection and will soon be starting up another novel. I feel like I should throw in how much I love both the online reader community and the online writer community. You’re all fantastic!

Currently Reading
The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe

Next Reads
Scent of Magic by Maria V. Snyder
Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor