As some of you know, last August I took up the post of Joan of ARCs at Spencer Hill Press. Spencer Hill Press is a small (although, rapidly growing) press who focuses on YA titles. All YA, all the time… sign me up! I have loved my time with Spencer Hill Press so far, and so in 2013 I will occasionally dedicate a Sunday post to their amazing books.
Today, we’re looking at the Spencer Hill Press titles I am most excited for in the first half of 2013. I will cover July-December in a later post. Enjoy!
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Touch of Death by Kelly Hashway
Release Date: January 15th
Synopsis: Jodi Marshall isn’t sure how she went from normal teenager to walking disaster. One minute she’s in her junior year of high school, spending time with her amazing boyfriend and her best friend. The next she’s being stalked by some guy no one seems to know.
After the stranger, Alex, reveals himself, Jodi learns he’s not a normal teenager and neither is she. With a kiss that kills and a touch that brings the dead back to life, Jodi discovers she’s part of a branch of necromancers born under the 13th sign of the zodiac, Ophiuchus. A branch of necromancers that are descendents of Medusa. A branch of necromancers with poisoned blood writhing in their veins.
Jodi’s deadly to the living and even more deadly to the deceased. She has to leave her old, normal life behind before she hurts the people she loves. As if that isn’t difficult enough, Jodi discovers she’s the chosen one who has to save the rest of her kind from perishing at the hands of Hades. If she can’t figure out how to control her power, history will repeat itself, and her race will become extinct.
Why I’m excited: These ARCs went out a few weeks ago now and reviews are starting to roll in. Bloggers are loving this book! Plus, rather than a traditional launch party, Spencer Hill Press has planned a zombie prom to kick off this new series.
Finn Finnegan by Darby Karchut
Release Date: March 12
Synopsis: Finn (not bleedin’ Finnegan) MacCullen is eager to begin his apprenticeship. He soon discovers the ups and downs of hunting monsters in a suburban neighborhood under the demanding tutelage of the Knight, Gideon Lir. Both master and apprentice are descendents of the Tuatha De Danaan, a magical race of warriors from Ireland. Scattered long ago to the four corners of the world, the De Danaan wage a two thousand year old clandestine battle with their ancient enemy, the Amandán, a breed of goblin-like creatures.
Now with the beasts concentrating their attacks on Finn, he and his master must race to locate the lost Spear of the Tuatha De Danaan, the only weapon that can destroy the Amandán, all the while hiding his true identity from his new friends, Rafe and Savannah, twins whose South African roots may hold a key to Finn’s survival. Armed with a bronze dagger, some ancient Celtic magic, and a hair-trigger temper, Finn is about to show his enemies the true meaning of “fighting Irish.”
Why I’m excited: I’m a sucker for anything remotely Irish related, so this book sounds like one I’ll really enjoy. Plus, I’ve spoken to the author, Darby Karchut, a few times and she is incredibly nice.
Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Release date: April 9th
Synopsis: Fate isn’t something to mess with… and now, neither is Alex.
Alex has always feared two things: losing herself in the Awakening and being placed on the Elixir. But love has always been stronger than Fate, and Aiden St. Delphi is willing to make war on the gods—and Alex herself—to bring her back.
The gods have killed thousands and could destroy entire cities in their quest to stop Seth from taking Alex’s power and becoming the all-powerful God Killer. But breaking Alex’s connection to Seth isn’t the only problem. There are a few pesky little loopholes in the whole “an Apollyon can’t be killed” theory, and the only person who might know how to stop the destruction has been dead for centuries.
Finding their way past the barriers that guard the Underworld, searching for one soul among countless millions, and then somehow returning will be hard enough. Alex might be able to keep Seth from becoming the God Killer… or she might become the God Killer herself.
Why I’m excited: I’ll be honest in that I am no where close to caught up with this series yet, but what I’ve read so far, I’ve loved. Can’t wait to keep reading, and how great is this cover! Apollyon was probably the most requested book of 2012 (at least since I started dealing with review requests).

Perfection by J. L. Spelbring
Release Date: May 7th
Synopsis: The personification of Aryan purity, Ellyssa’s spent her whole life under her creator’s strict training and guidance; her purpose is to eradicate inferior beings. She was genetically engineered to be the perfect soldier: strong, intelligent, unemotional, and telepathic.
Only Ellyssa isn’t perfect.
Ellyssa feels emotions–a fact she’s spent her life concealing. Until she encounters the epitome of inferiority: a dark-haired boy raised among renegades hiding since the Nazis won the war a century ago. He speaks to her telepathically, pushing thoughts into her mind, despite the impossibility of such a substandard person having psychic abilities.
But he does.
His unspoken words and visions of a place she’s never visited make Ellyssa question her creator. Confused and afraid her secret will be discovered, Ellyssa runs away, embarking on a journey where she discovers there is more to her than perfection.
Why I’m excited: The mix of dystopia and an alternate history sounds too awesome to pass up. I can’t wait until these ARCs are out into the world and I can read this book!
PODs by Michelle K. Pickett
Release Date: June 4th
Synopsis: Seventeen-year-old Eva is a chosen one. Chosen to live, while others meet a swift and painful death from an incurable virus so lethal, a person is dead within days of symptoms emerging. In the POD system, a series of underground habitats built by the government, she waits with the other chosen for the deadly virus to claim those above. Separated from family and friends, it’s in the PODs she meets David. And while true love might not conquer all, it’s a balm for the broken soul.
After a year, scientists believe the population has died, and without living hosts, so has the virus. That’s the theory, anyway. But when the PODs are opened, survivors find the surface holds a vicious secret. The virus mutated, infecting those left top-side and creating… monsters.
Eva and David hide from the infected in the abandoned PODs. Together they try to build a life–a new beginning. But the infected follow and are relentless in their attacks. Leaving Eva and David to fight for survival, and pray for a cure.
Why I’m excited: Of all the books on this list, this might be the debut I am most excited for. I am always up for a good post-apocalyptic read, and PODs sounds especially great. Mutated virus monsters… eep!
Triangles by Kimberly Ann Miller
Release Date: June 18th
Synopsis: A cruise ship. A beautiful island. Two sexy guys. What could possibly go wrong? In the Bermuda Triangle—a lot.
Hoping to leave behind the reminders of her crappy life–her father’s death years ago, her mother’s medical problems, and the loser who’s practically stalking her–seventeen-year-old Autumn Taylor hops on a ship with her sister for a little distraction. When she wakes up in the Bermuda Triangle, she fears she’s gone nuts for more than one reason: that loser’s suddenly claiming they’re a happy couple… a hot guy is wrapping his arms around her and saying “Happy Anniversary”… and suddenly, she’s full of bruises, losing her hair, and getting IV medication. Autumn visits the ship’s doctor, hoping for a pill or a shot to make the craziness go away. Instead, she’s warned that these “alternate realities” could become permanent.
Why I’m excited: It’s a YA book about the Bermuda Triangle… of course I’m excited!
Other books of note from January-June of 2013: Soulmate by Kate Kaynak, Children of the Veil by Daniel A Cohen & Hunted by Ednah Walters