Beautiful Creatures Discussion (Both book and movie)

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 05•13

beautiful creatures

Synopsis: Lena Duchannes is unlike anyone the small Southern town of Gatlin has ever seen, and she’s struggling to conceal her power, and a curse that has haunted her family for generations. But even within the overgrown gardens, murky swamps and crumbling graveyards of the forgotten South, a secret cannot stay hidden forever.

Ethan Wate, who has been counting the months until he can escape from Gatlin, is haunted by dreams of a beautiful girl he has never met. When Lena moves into the town’s oldest and most infamous plantation, Ethan is inexplicably drawn to her and determined to uncover the connection between them.

In a town with no surprises, one secret could change everything. -Goodreads

Discussion (no spoilers): I still hadn’t picked up Beautiful Creatures by the time I heard it was being made into a movie. Honestly, it was barely on my radar as paranormal romance isn’t really my thing. Still, it was a YA title being made into my movie, and I wanted to do my part to tell Hollywood that YES, this is something I want to see. So, to prepare myself, I bought the book. I figured I’d review it before going to see the movie. Didn’t get around to it.

But I did enjoy the book. It was a little long winded, but the story was pretty good. I really enjoyed reading a fairly typical teen romance book from the male perspective. For once, it was the girl who was all dark, twisty, and mysterious  and that’s something I can get behind. I’ll probably pick up book two eventually, as I’ve heard that this first book is mostly setup for the rest of the series, so I’m curious to see what happens.

I was significantly less impressed with the movie. Don’t get me wrong, it was decent and I didn’t hate it. But I never hate anything (seriously… why did I ever think I’d make a good reviewer). I agreed with which parts of the book were cut for the movie, but it still felt a little long for my taste and not much really happened. Can you say that about the book too? Maybe. But the book gives you a deeper look into the characters, so it’s well worth it.

Overall, I love that three YA titles were made into movies for 2013 and I will absolutely be watching both City of Bones and Catching Fire, but Beautiful Creatures failed to impress.

You can read my review of the movie on Geek Speak Magazine.

Cover Reveal: The Underground Witch by Debbie Dee

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 04•13

The Underground Witch - Debbie Dee - medium

The Underground Witch by Debbie Dee
As the last of the Incenaga Witches, Emmeline has been tortured, abused, and forced to use her power to kill. But unlike the Incenagas before her, she has survived. With her freedom restored, she should feel safe, invincible even. After all, she has the protection of Erick’s army and a power strong enough to obliterate any enemy. Yet Emmeline lives in fear for the next person who will try to control her, and no one can seem to find the tyrant threatening to claim her.
Until it’s too late.
With everything on the line, and the enemy at her throat, Emmeline has no choice but to convince Erick she no longer loves him (or risk him following her) and disappear with the one person she vowed to hate. But when she finds a way to take back her freedom and fight for Erick, will Emmeline be able to use her power like never before? Even if it kills her?
In The Underground Witch, the second novel of the Incenaga Trilogy, Debbie Dee delivers enough adventure, heartbreak, and suspense to captivate readers at every turn.
Visit Debbie Dee online to learn more
Website –
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The Holders Blog Tour

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 01•13



The Holders by Julianna Scott

Synopsis: 17-year-old Becca spent her whole life protecting her brother from, well, everything. The abandonment of their father, the so called ‘experts’ who insist that voices in his head are unnatural and must be dealt with, and the constant threat of being taken away to some hospital and studied like an animal. When two representatives appear claiming to have the answers to Ryland’s perceived problem, Becca doesn’t buy it for one second. That is until they seem to know things about Ryland and about Becca and Ryland’s family, that forces Becca to concede that there may be more to these people than meets the eye. Though still highly skeptical, Becca agrees to do what’s best for Ryland.

What they find at St. Brigid’s is a world beyond their imagination. Little by little they piece together the information of their family’s heritage, their estranged Father, and the legend of the Holder race that decrees Ryland is the one they’ve been waiting for. However, they are all–especially Becca–in for a surprise that will change what they thought they knew about themselves and their kind.

She meets Alex, a Holder who is fiercely loyal to their race, and for some reason, Becca and Ryland. There’s an attraction between Becca and Alex that can’t be denied, but her true nature seems destined to keep them apart. However, certain destinies may not be as clear cut as everyone has always believed them to be.

Becca is lost, but found at the same time. Can she bring herself to leave Ryland now that he’s settled and can clearly see his future? Will she be able to put the the feelings she has for Alex aside and head back to the US? And can Becca and Ryland ever forgive their father for what he’s done? -Goodreads

Preorder The Holders on Amazon

Guest Post by Julianna Scott

First off, I would like to thank Kellie for having me on Snarky Bird today, and assure all you lovely readers that neither Kellie nor Snarky Bird Book Reviews in anyway inspired this post. As I am writing this I do not even know if she has read THE HOLDERS, nor do I know her opinion of it if she has. This topic is simple one I came up with several weeks ago to use for guest posts on my blog tour.

Okay, good. Just wanted to make sure we were all clear before I went any further. :-) Now on to the post.


Bad reviews. Everyone gets them and nobody likes them. That isn’t exactly earth shattering news, but here is what might be, at least to some. Everyone may get them, and no one may like them… but we all need them.

Lately we’ve all heard the stories about authors out there losing their minds because someone posted a bad review of their book, or made a not too complimentary comment on a thread. This kills me on multiple levels, one because it really is about as childish as you can get, not to mention it makes us all look bad, but worst of all, it really makes no sense.

Tour-ButtonI mean, don’t get me wrong, I get it. Any artist or performer knows how much it hurts to put yourself out there and be rejected, but hard as it may be to believe, a little rejection is actually a good thing. Sure, in some cases, if the reviewer is well liked, there may be people who don’t try you book because a reviewer gave it a bad review, but it doesn’t happen that often. And even if it does, that is a very narrow-minded person to begin with. The only time you are likely to see a true drop in interest due to reviews is if your book is receiving A LOT of negative reviews, and in that case, the problem isn’t with the reviewers—much as you might like to think it is.

I myself always use reviews when looking for something to read, and I almost always read the bad reviews first. Not because I am a downer or a hater, but because I look for consistencies. For instance, if the one thing that everyone is complaining about in a certain book is say that the plot is too similar to another book, maybe I like that original book and don’t think that would bother me. There have been countless times that I have purchased a book BECAUSE of something I read in a bad review, and I know there are others out there like me. Not to mention, that I don’t think I would ever read a book that had nothing but good reviews. If all I see are 3, 4, and 5 stars, sorry, but I smell shenanigans. It’s just not realistic. I don’t expect everyone to like the books I like, nor would I expect everyone to like what I write.

Are there reviewers who are unnecessarily mean when writing negative reviews? Sure there are, but they don’t represent the masses. Most reviewers that I have come across know how to write a negative review objectively and with respect to both the writer and those who did enjoy the book. The fact is, everyone is different. We all like different things. No matter how much someone loves your work, someone else is going to hate it. That is just how it is—that is real life.

Now it’s time for writers to show more respect for the reviewers and realize that when you put your work out there you are asking for the opinions of others—and not just the good opinions. If you want your work in the public eye, then you run the risk of being criticized. It is the job as the writer, artist, creator, etc., to learn to accept and embrace the negative and realize that if used properly, it will only help them to grow.

Visit Julianna and check out The Holders!

Julianna Scott Author Page:

The Holders Series Page:

Julianna Scott on Goodreads:

The Holders on Goodreads:


The Holders Facebook Page:


Top Ten Tuesday: Auto-Buy Authors

Written By: Kellie - Feb• 26•13



Annnnd, I’m back. With the exception of previously scheduled tours, I had to step back from blogging for a few weeks to get all of the necessary edits done on Mortality, before I could start sending out ARCs. That is now done!

So, what better way to get back into blogging than to participate in my favorite meme, Top Ten Tuesday, the ultimate list-lovers meme, which is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This weeks list is authors who are on my auto-buy list… Okay, that list has exactly two authors on it, so I’ll expand it to my auto-interested list. It doesn’t take much to get my interested, but there are very few authors who get auto-bumped to the top of my TBR pile.

1. Patricia Briggs
If a new Mercy Thompson or Alpha & Omega book is coming out, I’m going to buy it as soon as I can. I’ve yet to ever preorder a book, but if I do it will be for the wonderful Patricia Briggs. Annnnd, I just realized that Frost Burned comes out next month. I’m going to die of book happyness. Ahhh! /freakout

2. Carrie Vaughn
Kitty Norville books are auto-buys for me. I feel like I’ve betrayed some sort of sacred order if I wait more than a week to read these. New book next month! Squeeee! I’ve also picked up all of her standalone stories, but none of them have had quite the same effect on me as rooting for Kitty the werewolf.

3. Richelle Mead
And so begins the part of the list with authors I liked buttt… I love love love both her Vampire Academy series and her Dark Swan series. But I’m two books behind on Bloodlines, and haven’t even tried Georgia Kincade. I will get there one day! I swear it. I’m also really excited for Gameboard of the Gods, just because it has an awesome title.

4. Rachel Vincent
Her adult series (Unbound and Shifters) are pretty darn close to the top of my favorite series of all time list. I will be purchasing Oath Bound the second it’s available. But… I couldn’t get in to her Soul Screamers books, despite everyone saying they’re fantastic.

5. Michelle Sagara West
Toronto author, whaaaat?! Her Chronicles of Elantra books are must-buys for me, but I haven’t really checked out any of her other stuff yet. I’ve got an ARC of the first book in her Queen of the Dead series sitting on my shelf, but it isn’t really jumping out at me as a must read. Ahh well.

6. Maria V. Snyder
While I still need to read her Insider series, almost anything this fantastic author puts out makes it to the top of my TBR list pretty quickly. While I enjoyed her Glass and Study series’, Touch of Power totally blew me away and I can’t wait to read more.

I’d like to take a second here to point out how weird it is that I read almost exclusively YA now, yet my favorite authors are still on this list for their adult work. Maybe I should branch out? Alright, on to the young adult authors.

7. Jeyn Roberts
Another Canadian, and one of my absolute favorites. So far, I will read any novel she releases, but it’s only been two so far (and they are so freakin’ good!) so it’s hard to really compare her to my tried-and-true authors. She’s still got plenty of time, and definitely has potential for staying power on my bookshelf.

8. Stephanie Perkins
Pretty much the same story as above. She’s fantastic and NEEDS to start releasing more books.

I think that’s all for now. Writing this list has gotten me so excited that I’m going to be able to start reading more now. I’m already 8 books behind on my goal for the year, but I think I’m about to start picking up steam!

Blog Tour: None of the Regular Rules by Erin Downing

Written By: Kellie - Feb• 25•13


None of the Regular Rules

Publish Date: November 20th, 2012
Source: eARC
Rating: 3/5 Dares
Purchase on Amazon 

RulesCoverSometimes, a few dares can change lives…

The weekend before the start of senior year, Sophie Erickson and her best friends, Ella and Grace, discover a handwritten list of dares tucked away in the glove compartment of Sophie’s beat-up old Toyota. But this isn’t just any list; it’s a dead girl’s bucket list.

Sophie’s beloved aunt Suzy died as a teenager in a fatal fall, leaving Sophie with an overly cautious family, a few fading photographs, and a bucket of bolts that barely passes for a car. But now, Sophie has Suzy’s list of the things she wanted to do in her last year of high school. Sophie can’t help but wonder: What would happen if she tried to fulfill Suzy’s last wishes, to live out the longed-for life of her aunt, her hero?

As Sophie and her friends attempt to knock off the things on Suzy’s list of dares, love blossoms in unexpected places and Sophie begins to feel that her life is finally coming together…when in fact, everything is slowly unraveling around her. When the truth about a long-held family secret threatens to shatter everything she believed to be true, Sophie is forced to question everything she knew about the life and people she believed in, and ultimately herself.

Review: I’ve read a few truth or dare based books in the past, but I loved the concept for None of the Regular Rules, and couldn’t resist joining this blog tour. Sophie finds a list of things things that her aunt (who died as a teenager) wanted to do during high school, so she and her friends set out to live a little and accomplish the things on the list. Unsurprisingly, it turned out to be a book about finding out who you really are, which made for a really interesting read.

I appreciated that while there was a romantic subplot, it never stepped on the toes of Sophie’s more life-altering story. Although with both stories, you’ll likely find yourself accurately guessing what comes next long before plot twists are revealed. That being said, it’s still easy to get lost in and really enjoy this story.

Overall, it was a pretty quick read that left me with that ‘summer book’ feeling, where nothing is too heavy or soul crushing. This book will make you think a little, smile a little, and eager to see what Erin Downing comes out with next!

You can purchase None of the Regular Rules on Amazon!

You can follow the rest of the tour from Xpresso Book Tours!


About the Author: Erin Downing has written more than a dozen books for young adults, tweens, and kids. Her guilty pleasures include an unhealthy obsession with reality TV and cheesy romantic dramas (Revenge! Alias!), an addiction to Us Weekly magazine, and cupcakes.
Before turning to writing full time, Erin worked as a book editor, spent a few months as a cookie inventor, and also worked for Nickelodeon. Erin has lived in England, Sweden, and New York City, and now resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with her husband and kids. More information about Erin and her books can be found at:

You can also find Erin on…

I’m coming back, I promise!

Written By: Kellie - Feb• 20•13

Hi everyone! I know I’ve fallen super behind on blogging lately, so I just wanted to pop in and assure the blogosphere that I am coming back. I have a ton of books already waiting to be reviewed, and quite a few more I can’t wait to start reading. I’ve just been concentrating on some final edits for my own book over the past couple weeks, but once I get though this week, it’s back to business!

Thanks for sticking with me!

Tour: Omega by Susannah Sandlin

Written By: Kellie - Feb• 19•13

Omega Button 300 x 225

I’m very excited to be hosting a tour spot for Omega, book three of The Penton Legacy. I recently started book one, and am really enjoying this series so far (reviews to come). It’s been a long time since there’s been a twist to get my interested in vampires again, but the idea of a virus that makes human blood deadly to vamps, was just too cool to pass up!  So, without further ado, let’s check out Omega.


Synopsis: The bloody war between the Vampire Tribunal and the defiant scathe of Penton, Alabama, rages on, forcing its residents and their bonded humans to retreat into the underground fortress of last resort: Omega. There, Will Ludlam is charged with the care of Penton’s humans, though he longs to fight alongside his vampire brethren. He knows the risks: as the renegade son of the Tribunal’s vicious leader, Will’s capture could doom the resistance. Yet he is determined to prove his worth to his adopted scathe, to his vengeful father—and to former US Army officer Randa Thomas, his beautiful, reluctant partner. Randa has little faith that a former member of the vampire elite has what it takes to fight a war. But as their enemies descend upon Omega, Will’s polished charm—and Randa’s guarded heart—finally give way to the warrior within. Fans of Susannah Sandlin’s Penton Legacy are sure to devour this long-awaited third installment of the steamy paranormal series. -Goodreads

Omega on Goodreads

Amazon        Barnes & Noble        Book Depository


About the author:

Susannah Sandlin is the author of paranormal romance set in the Deep South, where there are always things that go bump in the night. A journalist by day, Susannah grew up in Alabama reading the gothic novels of Susan Howatch and the horror fantasy of Stephen King. (Um…it is fantasy, right?) The combination of Howatch and King probably explains a lot. Currently a resident of Auburn, Alabama, Susannah has also lived in Illinois, Texas, California, and Louisiana.





Indie Bound:

Interview: Laura Lam – Author of Pantomime

Written By: Kellie - Feb• 06•13

We have a very special treat on the blog today, and I couldn’t be more excited. I had the wonderful opportunity to ask Laura Lam a few questions about her YA debut, Pantomime, and got some great responses. Read on!

pantomime by laura lam

Snarky Bird– First off, can you tell us a little bit about who you are and Pantomime?

Laura– I was raised in California just outside San Francisco, and my nickname at school was “Nose-in-a-Book.” I moved to Scotland after I graduated university at 20 to be with my husband, whom I met on the internet when I was 15, and I’ve been here for over 3 years now. I still often have my nose in a book.

Pantomime is my YA fantasy debut, and at its heart it’s a book about people trying to find a place to belong and who they want to become. It’s set in Ellada, a pseudo-Victorian world riven with Vestige—ancient, possibly magical artefacts left behind by a vanished civilisation called the Alder. Iphigenia Laurus, or Gene, is the daughter of a noble family, and feels trapped in her pampered life and her debut and possible upcoming marriage. Micah Grey is a street urchin who joins the circus as an aerialist’s apprentice. But there’s more to the story than first meets the eye, and Gene and Micah have a secret that might be the key of unlocking the mysterious of Ellada.

Snarky Bird– Where did the inspiration for Pantomime come from?

Laura– I’ve always loved the circus, as it’s a little microcosm of oddball characters, all of whom have a persona that they don to entertain and trick the audience. I took a lot of my pet interests—the circus, a dying empire, mysterious older civilisations, gender studies, the Victorian era—and mashed it all together, and somehow, it ended up working and I had Pantomime and its world.

Snarky Bird– From concept to completion, how long did Pantomime take to write?

Laura– This one’s a bit tricky to answer. Micah’s character first appeared in 2007. I researched and thought about the character for about a year while I worked on short stories and poems for university. In late 2008/early 2009, I think, I started writing a book with a Micah Grey that was 27, but I kept getting stuck because I was 19 and couldn’t quite tap into his world-weary voice. I decided to write a “short story” about Micah’s past when he joined the circus as a teen in December 2009, three months after I moved to Scotland. I was working in a very dull filing job, so I daydreamed during the day while I worked and wrote in the evenings. It ended up being a little longer than a short story.

But I wrote very slowly, and kept switching back and forth being YA Micah and adult Micah. So in the end, the first draft of Pantomime took 15 months, as I finished in March 2011. I then promptly subbed it to Angry Robot’s Open Door month, after reading through and fixing typos. I thought that meant I had edited (note: that is not editing). I fretted for about 6 months and didn’t write much at all, and then I had a revision request from Angry Robot, so after a further 3 months of furious, proper editing and rewriting, I returned it to them in March 2012. So, all in all, a bit over 2 years for Pantomime, with 18 months of working on it, but the world’s been kicking about in my head for 6 years now in total.

Snarky Bird– What is a typical writing day like for you?

Laura– I try to get up at 6.30 or 7 to write before work, but more often than not I just stay in bed until I have to roll out of it for work. I work, and every now and again I’ll write on my lunch break. But I pretty consistently write after work at a local café until they close for about an hour and a half, and if inspiration strikes, I’ll write at home as well. When I’m rough-drafting, on the days I write I try for about 1000 words, but that’s not 7 days a week.

Snarky Bird– Were there any scenes in Pantomime that were especially difficult to write?

Laura– The titular pantomime scene, actually. The actual pantomime interwoven through the circus, Leander and Iona, went through several plots, and it was tricky to blend between the actors playing the parts and actually telling the story of the play. I think I ended up rewriting that chapter about four times, but it finally all came together and I’m happy with it now.

Snarky Bird– Any favorites?

Laura– The scene when two characters go to the Museum of Mechanical Antiquities is by far my favourite scene. I wrote that in one, frenzied rush and had some of the most fun I’ve ever had writing. That scene went through some changes, but a lot of it is pretty close to the first draft.

Snarky Bird– What are you currently working on/ What is your next project going to be?

Laura– I have finished the first draft of Pantomime2, so I’ll be editing that for the next wee while. After that, I’m not 100% sure what to focus on next. I have two projects outlined, but I need a few factors to fall into place before I know which one I’ll focus on more. Evasive, I know, but it gets harder to talk about books that aren’t under contract.

I’ve also been playing around with a few short stories set in Ellada, mainly for fun. I’m not sure what I’ll do with them long-term, but I like the ones I’ve written so far

Snarky Bird– Laura, thank you so much for answering all these questions. Good luck with all the release month crazyness!

You can visit Laura on her website, here. Follow her on twitter, here. And of course, you can purchase Pantomime, here.

Promo: Fighting to Survive by Rhiannon Frater

Written By: Kellie - Feb• 02•13

fighting blitz rhiannon frater

I am so excited to be hosting this promo today. I cannot even till you how much I loved this series. I might even go so far as to say it was a big part of what inspired me to write a zombie story of my own. Rhiannon Frater’s trilogy is more about survival and the people than it is about horror and gore, and these books are really kind of impossible to put down because of it. A must read, for sure!

Today we’re featuring book two, Fighting to Survive, but I strongly recommend picking up the first in the series if you haven’t already.

Buy the books
The First Days- @Amazon (US) @The Book Depository
Fighting to Survive- @Amazon (US) @The Book Depository

as the world dies by rhiannon frater

Author Links:

About the Author:
Rhiannon Frater is the award-winning author of the As the World Dies trilogy (The First Days, Fighting to Survive, Siege,) and the author of three other books: the vampire novels Pretty When She Dies and The Tale of the Vampire Bride and the young-adult zombie novel The Living Dead Boy and the Zombie Hunters. Inspired to independently produce her work from the urging of her fans, she published The First Days in late 2008 and quickly gathered a cult following. She won the Dead Letter Award back-to-back for both The First Days and Fighting to Survive, the former of which the Harrisburg Book Examiner called ‘one of the best zombie books of the decade.’

Were(wolf) Wednesday: Kitty and the Midnight Hour by Carrie Vaughn

Written By: Kellie - Jan• 30•13

kitty and the midnight hour

Series: Kitty Norville
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Publish Date: November 1st, 2005
Source: Purchased

Rating: 5/5 Submissive wolves

Synopsis: Kitty Norville is a midnight-shift DJ for a Denver radio station – and a werewolf in the closet. Her new late-night advice show for the supernaturally disadvantaged is a raging success, but it’s Kitty who can use some help. With one sexy werewolf-hunter and a few homicidal undead on her tail, Kitty may have bitten off more than she can chew? -Goodreads

Review: I love, love, love this book. Actually, this entire series, but this is the book but started it all. Even now that this series has more books than I can count (Okay… it has ten. I can count to ten) this one is still my favorite. It’s still going though, and I never want it to end.

Kitty’s character is just so down to earth and realistic. She’s certainly grown since this book but I was so blown away by how much I related to this radio show host. More so than any other book character to date, I think. She has insecurities, short comings, and a wicked sense of humor. She is very much someone you would just want to hang out with if you ever had the chance. Kitty goes from an unassuming, bottom of the pack werewolf who doesn’t like her job to a woman with a lot on her plate.

It can be frustrating, reading about the crap Kitty puts up with, but it makes it all that much better as she learns how to deal with people and nonsense who just aren’t worth her time.

Kitty’s personal growth aside, the plot in this one was really fun and entertaining. Unlike a lot of first books in a series, you don’t get too much thrown at you at once, but it’s never boring. There’s a lot going on in the world Carrie Vaughn has created, and The Midnight Hour only begins to scratch the surface. This book mainly focuses on werewolf lore, but it’s all so interesting to read. Kitty’s personality is perfectly crafted to observe the things going on around her.

I actually wish it had been a bit of a bigger book so we could get a more thorough introduction, but really I just didn’t want it to end. I’ll be reading this series for as long as Carrie keeps writing them, and I’m prettttyyy sure you should too.

Buy Kitty and the Midnight Hour
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions
@ Flame’s Rising
@ Love Vampires
@ Red Hot Books