Waiting on Wednesday: Cast in Sorrow

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 27•13

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine. Each week participating blogs feature upcoming titles that they’re eagerly anticipating. This isn’t a meme I do very often, but there are just so many sequels coming out this year that I’m dying to get my hands on.

This week, the book I’m most looking forward to reading is Cast in Sorrow by Michelle Sagara, which is Book Nine in The Chronicles of Elantra. Book eight and nine were originally planned to be one story (and book eight was SO incredibly imaginative), so you can understand why I’m dying to get my hands on this next installment.

cast in sorrow

The Barrani would be happy to see her die. So Kaylin Neya is a bit surprised by her safe arrival in the West March. Especially when enemies new and old surround her and those she would call friends are equally dangerous… 

And then the real trouble starts. Kaylin’s assignment is to be a “harmoniste”-one who helps tell the truth behind a Barrani Recitation. But in a land where words are more effective than weapons, Kaylin’s duties are deadly. With the wrong phrase she could tear a people further asunder. And with the right ones…well, then she might be able to heal a blight on a race. 

If only she understood the story….


Only 153 days to go!

Interview: Adrienne Kress, author of The Friday Society

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 25•13

I’m super excited about today’s interview, as I haven’t stopped gushing about The Friday Society since I finished reading it. You can check out my review, here. Next up, in my quest to make everyone read this fantastic YA book, is an interview with the author, Adrienne Kress. She’s an author, actress, and Canadian to boot. You can follow her on her website, or on twitter, but for now… interview time!

the friday societyThe Friday Society: Set in turn of the century London, The Friday Society follows the stories of three very intelligent and talented young women, all of whom are assistants to powerful men: Cora, lab assistant; Michiko, Japanese fight assistant; and Nellie, magician’s assistant. The three young women’s lives become inexorably intertwined after a chance meeting at a ball that ends with the discovery of a murdered mystery man.

It’s up to these three, in their own charming but bold way, to solve the murder–and the crimes they believe may be connected to it–without calling too much attention to themselves.

Set in the past but with a modern irreverent flare, this Steampunk whodunit introduces three unforgettable and very ladylike–well, relatively ladylike–heroines poised for more dangerous adventures.

Kellie: What has been the biggest surprise for you in publishing your YA debut?
Adrienne: I come from the world of middle grade which is fantastic but very different when it comes to its internet presence.  So I think for me the biggest surprise was just how incredible the online YA community is.  There are hundreds of blogs started by YA readers all about books and I just think that’s fantastic.  There’s a real passion for reading out there.  I also can’t get over just how supportive everyone is of each other – bloggers supporting bloggers, authors supporting authors, bloggers supporting authors, authors supporting bloggers . . .  It’s like we’re all in this together – readers/writers vs the world!  And we are so totally going to win :) .
Kellie: From concept to completion, how long did The Friday Society take you to write?
Adrienne: I sold TFS on a book proposal so it was a slightly unusual process for me.  I initially had a first chapter and a synopsis which I then worked with my soon-to-be-but-not-yet-at-the-time editor on expanding into 20K words.  My editor then took that to the house to pitch it.  When it was accepted (yay!) I then wrote the rest.  That first part of the process took about two months (that also included a lot of waiting).  After that I’d say the rest of the book came together in four months.  Of course, it still takes a long time for a book to come out as there are all the stages of editing, design and promotion.  So I sold the book in the fall of 2010 and it came out the fall of 2012.
Kellie: D

id you find world-building or character-building to be more of a challenge?

Adrienne: I tend to find world building more challenging than character building.  And I think this comes down to the actor thing.  I have spent my whole life fleshing out characters I’ve been cast as, and having to do so relatively quickly.  So now creating three dimensional characters for my stories comes quite easily.  But, though more of a challenge, I really do enjoy world building, especially as I was using a city I had lived in for three years.  It was fun taking readers to some of my favourite London sites, and at the same time learning more about the city’s past.  I also have to admit a cheeky fondness for playing around a bit with its history (especially doing naughty things to famous landmarks), it’s the advantage of doing alternate history :) .

Kellie: All three of your main characters have such strong, distinct voices. How were you able to separate each girl’s voice from the others when writing their chapters?

Adrienne: It’s not as tricky as it might seem.  Sometimes it takes a bit of warming up, writing a bit of the chapter and then falling back into the voice, but once I’d established their characters it all became a matter of logic. How would this character react in this situation?  Nellie would react one way, Cora another, Michiko another.  Once you establish who these people are you have the answer to that question and the voice just naturally flows from there.
Kellie: What’s next for you?
Adrienne: I have another YA out this June called OUTCAST, it’s quite different from TFS – contemporary, written in the first person, set in the States in the deep south.  It does retain my unique sense of humour, however.  Oh!  And it’s also my first book where romance plays a major role.  Which is, I think, really exciting :) . This is my first foray into ebooks (Diversion Books) and I am really excited about it.  I am learning so much already and I still can’t get over the fast turnaround.  I mentioned above the two years that passed between signing TFS and its publication, and in this case I signed the deal for OUTCAST a few weeks ago and it’ll be out in a couple months.
I also have some really rather exciting plans for a sequel to TFS, so keep your fingers crossed!
Kellie: Well thank you so  much for taking the time to answer these questions. I recommend The Friday Society to anyone and everyone, so I definitely can’t wait to see what you come out with next.

Review: The Friday Society by Adrienne Kress

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 22•13

the friday society

Publisher: Dial
Publish Date: December 6th, 2012
Source: ARC

5/5 Snarky Birds (there actually was one in this book!!)

Synopsis: Set in turn of the century London, The Friday Society follows the stories of three very intelligent and talented young women, all of whom are assistants to powerful men: Cora, lab assistant; Michiko, Japanese fight assistant; and Nellie, magician’s assistant. The three young women’s lives become inexorably intertwined after a chance meeting at a ball that ends with the discovery of a murdered mystery man.

It’s up to these three, in their own charming but bold way, to solve the murder–and the crimes they believe may be connected to it–without calling too much attention to themselves.

Set in the past but with a modern irreverent flare, this Steampunk whodunit introduces three unforgettable and very ladylike–well, relatively ladylike–heroines poised for more dangerous adventures. -Goodreads

Thoughts: I LOVED this book! It wasn’t quite can’t-put-it-down, but it was a great story that I will absolutely be revisiting once my TBR pile can stand the detour. I wouldn’t count myself a steampunk fan yet, but if there are more stories like this tucked away in the genre, then you can count me in!

The Friday Society follows three young female characters, each wonderfully well rounded and realistic. Cora is an inventor’s assistant and absolutely someone you can look up to. She’s clever and unwilling to let her life be run by the men in it. She consistently makes smart decisions that don’t make you want to smack your head into a wall. Big points for that. Nellie is a magician’s assistant fun, a little hyper and immensely loyal. She also has a rather snarky parrot that follows her around. Love! Then there’s Michiko who is quiet, cautious and a fantastic fighter. The book alternates chapters between the three girls and each has a distinct voice. Absolutely no complaints here!

The story itself is a great mystery, but occasionally written like an action flick. The scenes come to life as you’re reading, and the steampunk elements only enhance the book. There’s no question that Adrienne Kress is a great writer who knows how to craft a great YA novel without indulging in some of the more frustrating tropes of the genre. She alsomanges to infuse the book with just enough humor and romance to keep things interesting without detracting from the story she’s trying to tell.

There’s no word yet on whether this book will be picked up for further books, but I’ve got my fingers crossed. I’d love to see what happens next as the girls become more comfortable with their individual kick-ass talents. So, if you haven’t picked this one up yet, you definitely should so I can read more about these awesome characters. Don’t worry thought, even if there aren’t any further books, this one wraps up nicely leaving you feeling all kinds of happy girl-power feelings.

When I saw that Adrienne Kress is a fellow Torontonian, I just had to send her an email telling her how much I loved this book! As a bonus, I got to send her a few questions, picking her brain about all things The Friday Society. Be sure to check back in on Monday for Snarky Bird’s interview with this fabulous Canadian author.

Purchase The Friday Society
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions
@Midnight Bloom Reads
@The Book Smugglers
@Book Brats

Mortality Release Day!

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 19•13

Mortality by Kellie Sheridan

Ahhh! I can’t believe it! Today is the day. For all intents and purposes, I am now a published author. Sales links have been trickling out for a couple of weeks now, but today it’s official. You can purchase Mortality in both ebook and paperback. Ack!

There’s lots going on to celebrate the release day, so be sure to check me out on Twitter to see the festivities. You can also see the first post on the blog tour over at I’m a Book Shark (the lovely Mickey also happens to be Mortality’s editor, so it’s going to be interesting. You can see the whole blog tour schedule on my author page.

Synopsis: After surviving a deadly plague outbreak, sixteen-year-old Savannah thought she had lived through the very worst of human history. There was no way to know that the miracle vaccine would put everyone at risk for a fate worse than un-death. 

Now, two very different kinds of infected walk the Earth, intent on nothing but feeding and destroying what little remains of civilization. When the inoculated are bitten, infection means watching on in silent horror as self-control disappears and the idea of feasting on loved ones becomes increasingly hard to ignore. 

Starving and forced to live inside of the abandoned high school, all Savannah wants is the chance to fight back. When a strange boy arrives with a plan to set everything right, she gets her chance. Meeting Cole changes everything. Mere survival will never be enough.

Purchase Mortality by Kellie Sheridan
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @Amazon (UK) @Barnes & Noble @Kobo


Review: Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 17•13

frost burned

Series: Mercy Thompson, #7
Publisher: Ace
Publish Date: March 5th, 2013
Source: Purchased

Synopsis: Mercy Thompson’s life has undergone a seismic change. Becoming the mate of Adam Hauptman—the charismatic Alpha of the local werewolf pack—has made her a stepmother to his daughter Jesse, a relationship that brings moments of blissful normalcy to Mercy’s life. But on the edges of humanity, what passes for a minor mishap on an ordinary day can turn into so much more…

After an accident in bumper-to-bumper traffic, Mercy and Jesse can’t reach Adam—or anyone else in the pack for that matter. They’ve all been abducted.

Through their mating bond, all Mercy knows is that Adam is angry and in pain. With the werewolves fighting a political battle to gain acceptance from the public, Mercy fears Adam’s disappearance may be related—and that he and the pack are in serious danger. Outclassed and on her own, Mercy may be forced to seek assistance from any ally she can get, no matter how unlikely. -Goodreads

Rating: 4/5 Fae Artifacts

Review: It was only a few weeks ago that I figured out that this book was coming out. A new Patricia Briggs title is always a solid reason to celebrate, and this one was definitely worth the fuss. Mercy Thompson is a fantastic character, and I finish every book wishing there was some way I could just hang out with these wonderful people Patricia Briggs has created. Mercy is still such a strong, awesome character, and definitely someone to reckon with. And to take it one step farther, the world she lives in has evolved as she is. There will be no more underestimating this girl, as she’s proven more than capable of taking care of herself, so now as her enemies get more wiley, Mercy will have to rise to the challenge.

As much as I love Mercy, one of my pet peeves with this series has been the use of the wide range of secondary characters that populate Mercy’s world. I never felt like I was seeing enough of the characters I was most interested in. But by taking most of the pack out of the picture, Frost Burned gave some much needed minor players time in the spotlight. I love Adam, and the pack dynamic that Mercy is slowly learning, but I really enjoyed seeing characters like Ben and Jesse have substantial interactions with Mercy. There was even some crossover from the spin-off series. Seriously, if you’re a fan of this series already, you’re going to enjoy this one.

The second half of the book was a little less impressive, as there was a serious lull in the action. It’s always entertaining just to watch these characters interact though, so it’s hard to actually complain. Even with the slower section, Frost Burned will probably prove to be one of my favorite books in this series, although I’m not sure how many more books there are planned, so it’s still hard to say.

There’s a lot going on here, but it never gets overwhelming. Patricia Briggs is a master of storytelling, and is only getting better as she continues to write books you wont be able to put down. Can’t wait to see what happens next!

Purchase Frost Burned
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@Dear Author
@Under the Covers Book Blog
@The Book Smugglers


Cover Reveal: Colour Wielders by Dawna Raver

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 15•13


Colour Wielders
Heirs of the Magykal Realm Series Book One
Dawna Raver
Genre: New Adult, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy Romance
Publisher: Curiosity Quills Press

About the Book: Behind the Mysts, hidden from Mortal eyes, is a land where Gods and creatures of myth and legend dwell. And in the Mortal Realm, their Princess lives.

Quinn Sinclair is clueless to who she is. She thinks she’s an ordinary young woman—well, mostly ordinary—living an ordinary life with her less than loving mother in Conifer, Colorado. On the night of her birthday, Quinn finds herself betrayed by a man who sends her life spinning out-of-control.

As she struggles to pick up the pieces, a vision of a man with haunting tourmaline-blue eyes begs her for help, and she finds herself transported into a Magykal battle forever changing her life.

Arik Morgaine—demi-god bad boy and outcast of the Magykal Realm—tried to avoid contact with Princess Quinn Sinclair for eighteen years, not wanting to make good on an old threat. But the fates have other plans. Arik can no longer deny his growing desire for Quinn, or the need to protect her from those wanting to control her burgeoning powers. Can the two of them come together and save the Magykal Realm from being destroyed by the Darkest of Magyks, or will powers beyond their control destroy them and their world forever?

Sounds awesome to me! What are you wait for? Add this book to Goodreads!

Visit Dawna Raver’s website! Or follow her on twitter.

Cover Reveal: Awakened by Kriston Johnson

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 14•13

Kriston - Awakened2-2

Awakened by Kriston Johnson
Series: The Legends Of Elyndia, #1
Publication date:  April 25th 2013 
Genre: YA Fantasy

Synopsis: Can fighting for the right side be the wrong thing to do?

Draven, the tyrant ruler of Elyndia for the last one thousand years, searches for the one who can fulfill his prophecy.

The Paladins, an elite band of warriors sworn to protect their way of life at all cost, search for the one with the ability to bring their world crumbling down.

An innocent girl, tormented by demons only she can see, lives on the brink of insanity and longs for a life of peace.

When seventeen-year-old Jade Rosenberg reads from an antique book, she has no idea she just read an incantation awaking her inherited power. But when opposing—and equally terrifying—groups invade her home, she learns she is descended from an enchanted realm and a member of a powerful race thought to have been hunted to extinction.

Ripped from her world, Jade is forced to seek refuge from those who want her dead. She is given one of two options and the time has come for her to make a choice: assassinate their sworn enemy…

Or sacrifice her soul.

Add Awakened on Goodreads

Kriston’s Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter

Were(cat) Wednesday: Pride by Rachel Vincent

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 13•13

pride by rachel vincent

Series: Shifters, #3
Publisher: Mira Books
Publish Date: February 1st, 2009
Source: Purchased

Rating: 5/5 – I mean, come on… there’s werebears!

Synopsis: I’m on trial for my life. Falsely accused of infecting my human ex-boyfriend–and killing him to cover up the crime. Infecting a human is one of three capital offenses recognized by the Pride–along with murder and disclosure of our existence to a human.I’m two for three. A goner.

Now we’ve discovered a rogue stray terrorizing the mountainside, hunting a wild teenage tabbycat. It’s up to us to find and stop him before a human discovers us. With my lover Marc’s help, I “think” I can protect the vulnerable girl from both the ambitious rogue and the scheming of the territorial council.

“If” I survive my own trial... -Goodreads

Thoughts: I want to be a werecat! For anyone who hasn’t read this series yet, they center around a species of shifter that can turn themselves into large, panther-like cats. Like werewolves, they have a complex society and way of life, that is usually pretty fascinating. Werecats prefer to keep their females docile and protected, so seeing the series’ main character, Faythe battle her way through this heavily patriarchal society is all kinds of awesome.

In this book, some of the series previous arcs come to a head as Faythe is put on trial for her actions. Seriously, some of these curmudgeony old men will have you fist-shaking like nobodies business. Malone is right up there with Professor Umbridge on my list of infuriating characters. Now that’s good writing! The trial itself is a great sampling of werecat society as the Territorial Council’s true motives are put on display.

Faythe’s romantic life takes some interesting turns in this book, that I didn’t see coming. We also meet a new character who will play an important role in future books, Kaci. Kaci is a young werecat who is essentially put into Faythe’s care. I love the big sister-little sister relationship these two have going.

Must. Keep. Reading.

Seriously, as much as I enjoyed this book, it mostly just makes me want to keep going with the rest of the series.

So with my reread of this series halfway done, I’m just as hooked as I was the first time around. The series arc took some pretty big leaps forward, we met valuable characters, and Faythe managed to grow a little as a character. All great! And things only get more intense from here, so you should definitely check out this series if you haven’t already!

Purchase Pride by Rachel Vincent
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@Note to Selph Book Reviews
@My Not So Vacant Shelf
@Mel’s Random Reviews


Top Ten Tuesday: Spring TBR!

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 12•13



Ahhh, the TBR pile. Something that haunts every avid reader. There will always be more books to read than there are hours in the day. I’ve been falling so behind lately, and have only recently found some time to read, so of course there are A LOT of books I’m dying to read.

So, Goodreads is down as I’m writing this. Bah! Not only do I not have easy access to book covers, but I can’t access my actual TBR list. So, lets see which books pop into my head.

1. Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs
I cannot wait to read this one! I have a few review books to read first, but this is the very top of my ‘just for me’ list. This will probably be the first book I read once it’s officially spring.

2. Kitty Rocks the House by Carrie Vaughn
This comes out late March, and I’ll be reading it as soon as it does. I can’t wait to find out what’s next for Kitty and how ‘the long game’ continues to play out.

3. The Elite by Kiera Cass
So excited for this book! I really enjoyed The Selection, and am still crossing my fingers that the TV show happens eventually.

4. The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller
I requested a review copy of this title, and so hope I get it. As a self proclaimed nerd, this sounds like exactly my kind of YA read. It looks awesome!

5. Ink by Amanda Sun
I met Amanda at World Fantasy convention (which is also where I got an ARC of her book), and I really need to make the time to read this book as I have no doubt it’s fantastic.

6. PODs by Michelle K. Pickett
Spencer Hill Press ftw! This post-apocalyptic title sounds right up my alley and I’m so excited to read it.

7. The Wool Omnibus by Hugh Howey
Not only have I heard amazing things about this series, but Hugh Howey frequents one of the same forms I do and is such a fantastic guy. Definitely one of the superheros of the self-publishing world.

Well, that should keep me busy for awhile. What books are you most looking forward to reading this spring?

Were(wolf) Wednesday: Kitty Goes to Washington by Carrie Vaughn

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 06•13

kitty goes to washingtonSeries: Kitty Norville
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Publish Date: July 1st, 2006
Source: Purchased

Rating: 5/5 Sexy Werepanthers

Synopsis: Celebrity werewolf and late-night radio host Kitty Norville prefers to be heard and not seen. So when she’s invited to testify at a Senate hearing on behalf of supernaturals, and her face gets plastered on national TV, she inherits a new set of friends, and enemies, including the vampire mistress of the city; an über-hot Brazilian were-jaguar; and a Bible-thumping senator who wants to expose Kitty as a monster. Kitty quickly learns that in this city of dirty politicians and backstabbing pundits, everyone’s itching for a fight. -Goodreads

Review: I love this series! Have I mentioned that? Perhaps my creating an entire feature so that I could talk about it and one other series may have tipped you off. Kitty Norville (and Carrie Vaughn) is awesome! While what I really love about this series is Kitty’s character arc, Kitty goes to Washington stands alone as a fun story with an interesting look at what the politics of the supernatural might be like.

So, obviously…. Kitty goes to Washington. Now a psedo-celebrity, she is summed to a Senate hearing to say her part. And of course, things don’t quite go according to plan. While I still love the werewolf hierarchy that Vaughn has evolved, my favorite part of this book has to be the introduction of her vampires. They’re fantastic! Mysterious, but still a little bit human (or at least longing to be). Washington’s top vamp is a pretty dynamic lady, and I found myself hoping she’d make an appearance in every Kitty book I’ve read since this one.

Kitty herself is a little flimsy in this book, as she is growing in to her celebrity skin. So to speak. She’s still a very cool, down to earth character that I relate to on so many levels, but she occasionally seems to create trouble for the sake of trouble. Thankfully, the plot mainly carried this book, and even on my third reread, I still finished the last page a huge Carrie Vaughn fan.

Purchase Kitty Goes to Washington:
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@Love Vampires
@Dear Author
@The Book Smugglers