Interview: Aoife Marie Sheridan

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 13•13

Today, I’m hosting an interview with Aofie Marie Sheridan, as a stop on her tour for The Saskia Trilogy. I have to admit, I was initially interested because I share a last name with the author, but these books also seem to be incredibly awesome.


Synopsis: Sarajane Anderson is your regular twenty one year old. With family, friends and a normal job. She also happens to be the only person who can save Saskia, a world parallel to earth.

When Sarajane is taken to Saskia, she could never have imagined the reality of the world she steps into, a world where magical abilities are in everyone’s possession.

She must face a father she never knew, a world that is beyond her belief. A guardian who captures her heart, and a darkness that wants to take it.
On this journey Sarajane discovers her magical abilities and realizes they come with a price. Sarajane is truly tested, as her loved ones are put at risk. The question she must ask herself is, how do you choose who lives and who dies? -Goodreads

Now, over to Aoife Marie!


Saskia Series Button 3d 300 x 225

SnarkyBird: How, and when, did you decide to become a writer?

AMS: I have always written but mostly poetry, it’s always been my way to deal with my emotions, no matter how big or small. Two years ago I lost two people I was close too. I had never lost anyone before, so I didn’t deal very well with it. One night I had a dream of a man and women on a horse, passing through a wall of fire. The dream lingered with me, as did my grief. So instead of writing poetry I started my story. My starting point was my dream and I worked my way from there. Eden Forest helped me once again deal with death, and all that comes with it. So in a way I am very grateful for this story.

I always wondered why God created us and what was our purpose, but those questions are unanswered. So in my story I give you the answers for this world called Saskia. In the story God creates a world parallel to ours, for four fallen angels.

Death is something that I also question now, like why do we die, is 60 to 90yrs of life enough, imagine having immortality what would one do to gain it? And that’s where a lot of my plot lies. The greed for immortality, for power’s that only God should wield, drives Saskia into war.

God decides to give one person all the powers that anyone could possess to banish evil, before it destroys Saskia and Earth. This one person happens to be a young lady called Sarajane Anderson who lives in the mortal world (Earth) but is actually from Saskia.

SnarkyBird: Where can we find your published writing?

AoifeAMS: I have my own website

It displays my work, any links to where you can purchase my books, listen to my interviews, watch my book trailers and more.

SnarkyBird: What is a typical day like for you as a writer?

AMS: I work full time so, I write when I can, but always with pen and paper, never typing at first. I carry a pen and paper where ever I go and when an Idea comes to mind I jot it down. Also If I had any weird dreams (the ones that linger) I will keep them maybe for a different story. At present there are seven books I want to write. Since I started I just can’t stop.

SnarkyBird: What types of writing do you do?

AMS: My writing I would consider fantasy. I write about the impossible, of different worlds that have magic in them. I always feel this can’t be it. All us on this little planet, floating in the galaxy, there has to be so much more. We just haven’t discovered it yet. Maybe in a couple of hundred years people will look back and say “They know all along that there was more”. Well that’s what I like to think.

SnarkyBird: What are your favorite characters that you have created? Tell us about them

AMS: My favourite characters in Eden Forest would have to be,

Queen Bellona, she was the most interesting to write about. Bellona is all that is bad in the world she is a combination of people that I have crossed paths with in my life. But she does not represent one person alone. Through her I could vent the injustice of people’s ways, and display it.

Secondly would have to be Sarajane she plays the main Character. She is relatable as in she isn’t perfect. I created Sarajane with flaw, as we all have them. Mine can be that I am selfish so that’s the flaw I gave Sarajane.

I am surrounded by very strong women in my life, and I am grateful for this. I take a lot of their personalities and place them in my characters, or something they might do, or even a facial expression. I love to watch people’s reactions as they talk to me, if they stumble on a line, they may chew their lip, in an endearing way. I note it and file it way for later.

SnarkyBird: Do you find you “mentally edit” other writers’ works as you read them? Does doing this help you or bother you?

AMS: Yes which I absolutely hate. I am so much more aware now. It drives me spare. But in another way it makes me feel better that I am not the only one who makes mistakes. LOL.

Five for Fun:

What is your favourite non-alcoholic drink?  Sprite I can’t get enough of it.

What is your favourite cartoon character? I would have to say Dora the explorer. My niece is a huge fan, and I think she is so cute.

What is your favourite movie of all time? Troy, I would watch it at least once a week. Brad Pitt is easy on the eyes.

What TV shows do you like to watch? I am not a fan of TV. I love movies or reading.

What do you like to do for fun or just to relax? Reading is my way of relaxing. Give me a book a glass of wine and I am a very content person.


You can find Aoife Marie Sheridan Online:

My website


Goodreads: Aoife Marie Sheridan

Twitter: @aoifesheri

Review: Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 11•13

monument 14

Series: Monument 14, #1
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Publish Date: June 5th, 2012
Source: Purchased

Synopsis: Fourteen kids. One superstore. A million things that go wrong.

In Emmy Laybourne’s action-packed debut novel, six high school kids (some popular, some not), two eighth graders (one a tech genius), and six little kids trapped together in a chain superstore build a refuge for themselves inside. While outside, a series of escalating disasters, beginning with a monster hailstorm and ending with a chemical weapons spill, seems to be tearing the world—as they know it—apart. -Goodreads

Thoughts: I had been looking forward to reading this book since it first came out almost a year ago now, and it did not disappoint. The concept is that a group of teenagers and elementary school aged children lock themselves inside of a department store while the world falls apart around them. The disasters are varied from epic balls of hail to an airborne virus whose symptoms vary based on blood type.

Since most of the book takes place inside of of the superstore, it can seem a little slow at times, but this is just the kind of apocalyptic story I am always searching out. The characters responses to what was going on around them seemed genuine, which made the horrors going on outside seem that much more realistic. Inside the store no reaction ever seemed too far-fetched or over-simplified, which made it easy to focus on the characters themselves despite having such a large group to remember.

The characters themselves were diverse (in both personality and ethnicity) and well developed. I loved the little kids they had running around and how sincere they seemed to be. The lead, Dean is easy to relate to and definitely flawed, but he’s focused on survival while some of the other teenagers are more focused on making stupid decisions while away from their parents. Frustrating, but definitely realistic! His brother, Alex could stand to be further developed, but I think we’ll see a lot of that in the next book

My review copy of Sky on Fire is on its way, and I cannot wait to read it! The ending to Monument 14 was GOOD and I’m anxious to see what the fallout will be from the final twist of the first book.

Purchase Monument 14
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@Pen to Paper
@Racing to Read
@Paperback Princess

Cover Reveal: Passion Potion by Mary Beth Daniels

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 09•13


Passion Potion by Mary Beth Daniels
Publication date: May 1st, 2013
Genre: New Adult Paranormal Romance

Jet is a Nix, the daughter of an Enchantress who went outside her bloodlines. No one helps a Nix, and even though her father is in deep trouble with Dei Lucrii, a dark Enchanter who paid her family an extraordinary sum to make a passion potion, Jet has no way to fix the powerful spell that killed her mother.

But someone is watching her. A very handsome someone whose face appears in a pewter bowl her mother always kept close by.

Could the boy be the secret to avoiding the curse of the Nix? Or is he the sort of distraction Jet REALLY can’t afford at a time like this?

Passion Potion is a paranormal new adult romance from the author of the romantic comedy hit Heteroflexibility.

Promo: Timespell by Diana Paz

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 04•13


Add TIMESPELL to Goodreads

In TIMESPELL, the brash and impulsive Julia must team up with her sweet and straight-laced best friend, Angie, and the malicious and power-hungry Kaitlyn in order to keep the witch-like powers of her inheritance. But these powers come at a cost. The girls are bound to serve the Fates, and their first mission sends them back in time to Marie Antoinette’s Paris and eventually, into the chaos and war of the French Revolution.

@Amazon @Barnes & Noble

Author Links:

Cover Reveal: Stars in Her Eyes by Clare C. Marshall

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 02•13


Book Information:
Title: Stars In Her Eyes (Sparkstone Saga #1)
Author: Clare C. Marshall
Genre: Young Adult Science Fiction/Adventure
Publisher: Faery Ink Press
Publishing date: May 13, 2013

Burn hot and cold.

Read minds.

Disappear at will.

Dream your own death.

Welcome to Sparkstone University, where some students are more gifted than others.

When Ingrid learns she’s been accepted at the hyper-secretive Sparkstone University, she is sceptical. It’s an honour to attend, apparently, and yet barely anyone has ever heard of the place.

And everyone seems a little too happy that she’s there: especially when she meets Sunni and her group of friends. They seem to already know Ingrid. As if she was expected. Expected to save Earth from an imminent alien invasion. Like she has superpowers or something.

As if magic and mutations exist. As if aliens are really planning to attack.

That just sounds ridiculous. There’s no such thing.



For info on a two-for-one pre-order sale of Stars in Her Eyes, check out this post from Faery Ink Press.

On The Web:

Promo: Settle by Brina Courtney + Free EBook

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 01•13



Title: Settle
Author: Brina Courtney
Series: Cryptid Tales #3
Release Date: April 4th

Betrayal leaves nasty scars. A soul departs. Love must conquer all, or be lost forever.
Shay’s life has once again fallen into mystery as she discovers her father’s whereabouts. On a mission to locate him and bring him home she learns more about who to trust than she thought possible. Her group of cryptids will be forced to rise again and defeat their common enemy, but they will also discover another hidden threat. As their queen, Shay’s discoveries in Settle, the final installment of the Cryptid Tales series, will shake the cryptid world forever.

Check out the release party for settle on both Facebook and Goodreads on April 4th!

And if you haven’t checked out this awesome series yet, then I’ve got a surprise for you. Reveal, book one of Cryptid Tales is now free on a few of our favorite ebook retailers. Details below!


Reveal – Cryptid Tales #1
You think seeing ghosts is weird? Tell me something I don’t know.
My childhood best friend Jeremy happens to be a ghost.
My life is a puzzle, and the biggest piece missing has been my dad. Since his disappearance when I was six it’s been tough, but Jeremy has been by my side through it all.
But now Jeremy has gone missing too and I feel like I’m never going to get all the answers I’ve been looking for.
Fate intervenes when Hugh, a real live college beefcake, starts taking an interest in me. He divulges that he also shares my little “gift” of seeing the dead and I know I’m finally getting closer to finding all the pieces.
However, the more the puzzle is completed, the more questions I have.
Senior year is hard enough as it is, but clearly I like a challenge.
Get Reveal for FREE
@Amazon @Barnes&Noble @iTunes

Review: Dualed by Elsie Chapman

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 31•13

dualed by elsie chapman

Series: Dualed, #1
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers
Publish Date: February 26th, 2013
Source: Purchased

Rating: 4/5 Clones

Synopsis: The city of Kersh is a safe haven, but the price of safety is high. Everyone has a genetic Alternate—a twin raised by another family—and citizens must prove their worth by eliminating their Alts before their twentieth birthday. Survival means advanced schooling, a good job, marriage—life.

Fifteen-year-old West Grayer has trained as a fighter, preparing for the day when her assignment arrives and she will have one month to hunt down and kill her Alt. But then a tragic misstep shakes West’s confidence. Stricken with grief and guilt, she’s no longer certain that she’s the best version of herself, the version worthy of a future. If she is to have any chance of winning, she must stop running not only from her Alt, but also from love . . . though both have the power to destroy her. -Goodreads

Review: This book was surprisingly awesome, although not quite what I was expecting. Elsie Chapman has a great way with words, and I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for more books from this author. Her action scenes and the character moments all managed to come together in a way that created a really interest balance between world and character building.

West Grayer is one tough cookie. She’s been training her whole life for the day when she’ll have to kill her alt. She’s already lived through quite a few tragedies as a result of the world she lives in. You can see how her society has shaped who she became, which makes it understandable that she has trouble questioning the path set out for her (although it can be pretty annoying). But this girl definitely kicks ass.

Where this book really takes off is the world building. With so much dystopian out there now, you really have to push the boundaries to come up with an original story. Kersh came together nicely, and you could almost see how their history helped shape their kill-or-be-killed mentality.

Where things dropped off a bit was the ending. It was almost anti-climactic, while still being action packed. I kept waiting for an extra something that just didn’t come. I’m not even sure how this can be turned into a series. This isn’t enough for me to suggest skipping this read, but I was left scratching my head a bit at the end. Kind of a–really, that’s it?! moment. Although, to be fair… the ending along would have had me picking up book two just to see where this goes.

Purchase Dualed by Elsie Chapman
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@Forget About TV, Grab a Book
@Chapter by Chapter
@Katie’s Book Blog

Promo: Element Part 1 by CM Doporto

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 30•13


College freshman, Natalie Vega, offers to be a test patient for several vitamins and supplements created by Kronberg Laboratories, a large pharmaceutical company where she interns. Immediately her body starts going through physical changes but when she runs into her former high school crush, Ryan Garrett, she is unaware of the life altering affects he will have on her.

Check out the book trailer! ~ Follow CM DOPORTO on Twitter ~ Element Part 1 on Goodreads ~ CM Doporto’s Blog

Elements Button 300 x 225


Chapter 1 – New Beginnings

“Ladies and gentlemen we are approaching a storm and it’s going to be a little rough until we clear it.”  The captain announced and then paused before continuing. “Please stay seated and turn off all electrical devices immediately. Thank you.”

Natalie looked out the small oval window. Raindrops smeared across it, dancing their way to the side. Lightening flashed and she shuddered. She didn’t mind flying but she could do without the terrible storm. For a moment, she wished she would have taken the later flight, but she wanted to get back early since classes resumed tomorrow. She reminded herself that she had a great Spring Break in Chicago with her family and ending it with her cousin’s fairytale wedding made it all worth it.

A sudden jolt called her attention back to the situation at hand. She looked out the window again. The plane shook and rattled as it flew on the edge of thick, dark clouds. Within seconds, darkness consumed the plane and the day turned into night. Out in the blackness of the sky she could see powerful flashes of light stretching out like tentacles waiting for the plane to enter. She pulled the blanket closer to her, clutching it up against her chest, somehow hoping it would calm the drumming of her heart.

“What the —” she blurted out when the plane hit another patch of rough turbulence.  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

A horrible rumble echoed through the plane, and it wavered from side to side. Gasps and sighs along with people begging and pleading to God were heard throughout the plane. She swallowed hard, feeling the vitamins she took ten minutes ago ease their way up. Without warning, the plane dropped several feet. Her heart hit the bottom of her stomach. Gasping for air, she struggled to catch her breath. An alarm sounded and emergency instructions echoed through the overhead speakers. She grabbed the arm rests and her body stiffened. Her eyes stayed fixed on the flashing red and white lights above her head. Please God, don’t let me die! Please.

“Natalie… Natalie, wake up. You’re having another nightmare.” Lise shook her several times before she finally awoke.

“What?” She sprung up from her bed. Sweat trickled down the sides of her forehead and she breathed heavily.

“You’re okay. It was just a nightmare.” Lise sat down next to her.

It took a few seconds for her to realize that she had been dreaming. She wiped the sweat away and the pounding of her heart turned into slow thud.  She lay back on to her pillow and took a few deep breaths. “I don’t know why I keep having these darn nightmares.”

“Well I do.” Lise replied.

Natalie looked at her. “You do?”

“Uh, yea… because you said you nearly died on that plane. It’s post trauma you’re experiencing.”

Natalie swallowed hard. She couldn’t be experiencing post-traumatic stress because only soldiers suffer from things like that, right? “No, I don’t think so. I mean, it was horrible and scary but—,”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Lise’s eyes softened.

“What is there to talk about?” Natalie sat back up. She hadn’t told anyone the full details about what she experienced, including her parents. She wasn’t about to tell Lise either.

“Sometimes it’s good to talk about horrible events. It can help you get over them.” Lise played with the edge of her t-shirt, rolling it up.

“Thanks, but I’ll be fine.” She glanced over at the clock on the window seal. “I guess we should start getting dressed.”

Lise turned and looked at the clock. “Crap, I don’t want to be late.”

Natalie threw back the covers. “Neither do I. First impressions are everything.”

What’s Next?! Top of the TBR Pile (03/29)

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 29•13



New meme! Well, new to me. I’m really excited about this because I can never figure out what to read next. I’m buying ebooks like a crazy person these days. So, what’s this about…

Here’s how it works (for those of you who want to participate):
-Every Thursday, starting tomorrow, select three-five books (not too many, not too little!) that you want to read but can’t decide which one to read first.
-Post the cover, and if you want, the synopsis or even a random line from the book, for each of your selections.
-At the end of your post, ask readers to vote on which one you should read next!

So, as you can tell… I’m definitely participating. Here are my options!


black city

Synopsis: In a city where humans and Darklings are now separated by a high wall and tensions between the two races still simmer after a terrible war, sixteen-year-olds Ash Fisher, a half-blood Darkling, and Natalie Buchanan, a human and the daughter of the Emissary, meet and do the unthinkable—they fall in love. Bonded by a mysterious connection that causes Ash’s long-dormant heart to beat, Ash and Natalie first deny and then struggle to fight their forbidden feelings for each other, knowing if they’re caught, they’ll be executed—but their feelings are too strong.

When Ash and Natalie then find themselves at the center of a deadly conspiracy that threatens to pull the humans and Darklings back into war, they must make hard choices that could result in both their deaths.




dare you to

Synopsis: I dare you…”

If anyone knew the truth about Beth Risk’s home life, they’d send her mother to jail and seventeen-year-old Beth who knows where. So she protects her mom at all costs. Until the day her uncle swoops in and forces Beth to choose between her mom’s freedom and her own happiness. That’s how Beth finds herself living with an aunt who doesn’t want her and going to a school that doesn’t understand her. At all. Except for the one guy who shouldn’t get her, but does….

Ryan Stone is the town golden boy, a popular baseball star jock-with secrets he can’t tell anyone. Not even the friends he shares everything with, including the constant dares to do crazy things. The craziest? Asking out the Skater girl who couldn’t be less interested in him.

But what begins as a dare becomes an intense attraction neither Ryan nor Beth expected. Suddenly, the boy with the flawless image risks his dreams-and his life-for the girl he loves, and the girl who won’t let anyone get too close is daring herself to want it all….


copper girl

Synopsis: Sara had always been careful.
She never spoke of magic, never associated with those suspected of handling magic, never thought of magic, and never, ever, let anyone see her mark. After all, the last thing she wanted was to end up missing, like her father and brother.
Then, a silver elf pushed his way into Sara’s dream, and her life became anything but ordinary.

Review: The Lives We Lost by Megan Crewe

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 28•13

the lives we lost

Series: Fallen World #2
Publisher: Disney Hyperion
Publish Date: February 12th, 2013
Source: ARC

Rating: 3/5 Deadly Viruses

Synopsis: A deadly virus has destroyed Kaelyn’s small island community and spread beyond the quarantine. No one is safe. But when Kaelyn finds samples of a vaccine in her father’s abandoned lab, she knows there must be someone, somewhere, who can replicate it. As Kaelyn and her friends head to the mainland, they encounter a world beyond recognition. It’s not only the “friendly flu” that’s a killer—there are people who will stop at nothing to get their hands on the vaccine. How much will Kaelyn risk for an unproven cure, when the search could either destroy those she loves or save the human race?

Megan Crewe’s second volume in the Fallen World trilogy is an action-packed journey that explores the resilience of friendship, the ache of lost love, and Kaelyn’s enduring hope in the face of the sacrifices she must make to stay alive. -Goodreads

Review: I picked up this book by chance at last years World Fantasy Convention, before even reading the first book in this series, but I’m so glad I did. Not only is it set here in Canada, but this one is all kinds of apocalyptic goodness. As much as I love to see societies put themselves back together, there is just something so riveting about watching the pieces fall and seeing how characters react. The Lives We Lost does all that, so well! I didn’t quite enjoy it as much as I did the first book in the series, since the plot was a bit slower, but it still made for an interesting read.

There’s not much I can say about the plot without spoiling the plot of the first book, but by book two the mystery virus has done some real damage on a big scale! Kaelyn and crew have are forced to stop waiting, and actually action a plan to get the vaccine into the hand of the right people. Unfortunately, a lot of the waiting is replaced by wandering as the group finds a lot less people waiting for them on the main land than they’d hoped.

I did find the plot to be a little slow at times, although you can say the same thing about book one in this series. There were definitely some tense moments, but overall it’s more of a makes-you-think book than an edge-of-your-seat book. Desperate times etc. etc. so other survivors are prepared to do what they have to to survive, and a vaccine can be pretty tempting to those who might not be thinking about the greater good. Dun, dun, dun!

Anyways, it looks like theres going to be a third book in this series, and I will definitely be checking it out. You just have to go into these books expecting a slightly more realistic type of drama than some of the other end of the world stuff we’ve read–which can be terrifying all on its own.

Buy The Lives We Lost
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CA) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions
@Read My Breath Away
@The Book Smugglers
@I’d So Rather Be Waiting