Bout of Books 7.0

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 29•13


It’s coming, it’s coming! Bout of Books!

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 13th and runs through Sunday, May 19th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 7.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog.

This is my second or third time doing Bout of Books annnnd I’m excited to be taking part. I’m not exactly sure what my goals are yet, but I’m going to be aiming big.

If you want to sign up, just head over to their website by clicking the event button!

Cover Reveal: Follow the White Rabbit by Me!

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 29•13

Follow the White Rabbit by Kellie Sheridan

Series: Beautiful Madness, Book One
Author: Me!
Description: For centuries, Wonderland thrived as the domain of beautiful bedlam and unapologetic madness. It was a place like no other. All it took was one girl slipping in through the cracks of the universe to start chaos spiraling toward order. In the 150 years since Alice’s visit, the realm has become tainted—almost normal. Rabbits in waistcoats and playing card minions are little more than creatures of myth, and Wonderland is literally falling to pieces.

For Gwen, Rose, and Lucky, Wonderland is home, and yet they know little of its former glory. When the Alice prophecy resurfaces, they’ll have one chance to use Wonderland’s own legends to bring a little mayhem back into their reality. For she who controls Alice controls the fate of Wonderland.

Add to Goodreads!

If you’re interested in a review copy of Follow the White Rabbit, you can head over to my author website.

Also, you should all definitely go check out the fantastic photographer who took this shot and was gracious enough to let me use it. You can see her profile on DeviantArt, and maaaybbbe get a peak at what’s to come with the series.

Graceling: The Movie?!

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 26•13


Reddit just pointed me towards some really cool noise, and I just had to gush about it. Knowing me, everyone else knows this already, buuutt… I’m excited! There could be a movie set around Kristin Cashore’s Graceling trilogy (is that what it’s called?).

The rights to the series have been picked up by Relicance, the entity that is currently working on making Vampire Academy for the big screen… cool! I can’t even tell you how much I love that this is a trend. One day, I will have a movie shelf made up entirely of YA books-turned-movie!! One day!!

So what would I like to see for a Graceling movie? I have no idea… I would guess this would be a fairly easy film to make, since Graces would be easy to show.  Fire would definitely be the more expensive movie, CGIing all kinds of colorful beasts into existence. So long as they don’t try to do something crazy and carry characters between movies who aren’t supposed to be there, I’m happy. But (assuming the movie is successful) I wouldn’t be surprised to see them just skip Fire entirely and make Bitterblue set only a couple years after Graceling.

I know that when it comes to movies, nothing is set in stone and they may decide that this series will be more expensive to make than it’s worth, but I figure telling the universe how excited I am can only help? Right?!

Promo: Surrender by Rhiannon Paille + Excerpt

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 25•13

Surrender ebooklg

How far would you go to save everything you ever loved?

Kaliel was warned about her love for the Ferryman. One day he will marry the land and leave Avristar forever. She doesn’t listen, and because of what she is– a Flame– one of nine apocalyptic weapons, she sparks a war. In a desperate attempt to save her home and her love, Kaliel tries to awaken Avred, not knowing she may have to make the ultimate sacrifice.


Both Surrender and its sequel, Justice are FREE today.


“That’s no battle scar,” he said. He sized up the boy, focusing on his hand. “You’re turning. This is because of your calling.”
Krishani regretted returning to the castle. Not more talk of Ferrymen. He wrenched his hand out of Mallorn’s grip. “I don’t want to be the Ferryman.”
Mallorn scoffed. “You can deny it all you want, but you cannot escape it.”
Krishani went down the hallway. He knew Mallorn would follow him, but he needed air or relief, something to help clear his head. “I’m nothing.”
Mallorn grabbed his forearm and pulled up his sleeve to show him the black marks. “You have no choice. This will spread until you are no more.”
Krishani half-smiled. Mallorn meant it as a deterrent, but it made Krishani happy to know there was a way out. After all he had been through there was a way to die.
“The end of me,” he breathed.
Mallorn whacked him across the back of the head. “Stop it. The Ferrymen are important.”
Krishani let his head throb. He didn’t raise his hand to rub the spot Mallorn struck. From the dream he knew just how important the Ferrymen were. People died by the thousands in the Lands of Men and no one protected them. He stopped at the sixteenth corridor. “I have nothing to live for.”
Mallorn’s forehead creased in tight wrinkles. “Death. You must live for that.”
Krishani wanted to smack him for his answer. Instead, he balled up his fist and descended the stairway, heading towards the kitchen. “Hernadette!” he called. There had to be another answer, a cure for his condition or something to alleviate the aching he felt throughout his body. He passed the archway and paused at the mouth of the kitchen. A plump woman in soiled linens appeared in the doorframe.
“You’re well!” she exclaimed.
Krishani shook his head. “Alive.”
“Which is well. Do you need something?”
He extended his hand. “I need a cure for this.”
Hernadette covered her mouth with her fingertips. “That is a plague.”
Krishani pulled his robe over his hand and shrank away from the kitchen. When he turned around, Mallorn stood in the hallway, staring at him. The Kiirar had a soiled gray robe underneath his cloak, a cord tied around his waist.
“Come to Nandaro with me,” Mallorn said.
“Avristar will sentence me to death.”
“You should leave before that happens.”
Krishani’s face twisted into disbelief. “She loathes me that much?”
“It is the price one pays for that crime.”
It was like knives stabbing his insides as the land he called home turned against him. “Does she blame me for the existence of the foe, too? Does she blame me for Kaliel’s death?” He sunk to the floor and covered his face with his arms.
“Nandaro was the last place she called home,” Mallorn said gently.
Krishani couldn’t stay. He couldn’t face Avristar’s wrath. Defeated, he glanced at Mallorn and nodded reluctantly.
“Aye,” he whispered. “I will go to Nandaro.”

Waiting on Wednesday: The Shade of the Moon by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 24•13

“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights all of the wonderful, upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating. This week… I am DESPERATE to read The Shade of the Moon by Susan Beth Pfedder, Book Four of The Last Survivors series. I didn’t even know there was going to BE a forth book.

the shade of the moon

Only the cover has been released so far, so there aren’t a lot of details I can give you on this one besides how much I loved the first three books in this series. The Last Survivors is a survival story about what happens when the moon shifts closer to earth and changes everything. There’s no demons, zombies, or evil civilizations here, it’s just all about survival and it’s SO GOOD. I highly recommend checking out the earlier books in this series.

The Shade of the Moon is set to be released on August 13th of this year from Harcourt Children’s Books. For now, you can check it out on Goodreads.

Review: Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 23•13


Series: Lunar Chronicles, #1
Publisher: Feiwel and Friends
Publish Date: January rd,, 2012
Source: Purchased

Rating: 5/5 – Why did I put off reading this book for so long?!?

Synopsis: Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. . . . 

Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future. -Goodreads

Thoughts: I lovvvveedd it!

Seriously, I cannot think of one good reason why I kept putting off reading this book. Fairytales, futuristic, androids. It’s just such a cool concept, and author Melissa Meyer was able to combine all of these elements wonderfully. New Beijing comes to life in everything from the plague that’s tormenting its people to their unsteady relations with the moon colony. I really cannot recommend this book enough.

Cinder is an android, and instead of a slipper she’s got a robotic foot. She’s also a mechanic, and an unwanted ward of her adopted-mother, who (surprise, surprise) is kind of awful. Cinder is not at all the kind of heroine you’d find in the fairytales of olde. She’s headstrong, she’s talented, and she’s someone who is incredibly easy to root for. But it’s still fun to read this book and see as elements from the original story pop up, as well as reading all of the bits and pieces you never thought could work with a classic fairytale. Seriously… androids.

I’ve actually seen lots of other bloggers tweeting about how they haven’t read Cinder yet, even though they know they should. I’m not sure what it is about this book that makes readers think twice (the cover is great, so that’s not it), but I guess it makes it that much easier to gush about the book when you were reluctant to even read it in the first place.

I’ve already got Scarlet (book two of this series) ready to go, but I’m actually holding off on reading it just because I know then I’m going to have ages to wait before I can come back to this world. And what can I say, I’m in love.

Purchase Cinder:
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@Joy’s Book Blog
@Fantasy Book Critic

Review: The Essence by Kimberly Derting

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 18•13

the essence

Series: The Pledge, #2
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry
Publish Date: January 1st, 2013
Source: Purchased

Rating: 2/5 – The biggest disappointment of the year so far.

Synopsis: At the luminous conclusion of The Pledge, Charlaina defeated the tyrant Sabara and took her place as Queen of Ludania. But Charlie knows that Sabara has not disappeared: The evil queen’s Essence is fused to Charlie’s psyche, ready to arise at the first sign of weakness.

Charlie is not weak, but she’s being pushed to the brink. In addition to suppressing the ever-present influence of Sabara, she’s busy being queen—and battling a growing resistance determined to return Ludania to its discriminatory caste system. Charlie wants to be the same girl Max loves, who Brook trusts, but she’s Your Majesty now, and she feels torn in two.

As Charlie journeys to an annual summit to meet with leaders of nearby Queendoms—an event where her ability to understand all languages will be the utmost asset—she is faced with the ultimate betrayal. And the only person she can turn to for help is the evil soul residing within. -Goodreads

Thoughts: I really wanted to like this book, and I really REALLY didn’t. I’m not even entirely sure why, so I’ll keep this short. I really liked the first book in this series, but The Essence just didn’t measure up.

What originally attracted to this series was the idea of a fantasy society built around language, but most of those elements have been abolished by book two. So now it’s just a book about a girl/queen who travels and doesn’t know who is trying to kill her. A lot of my favorite characters aren’t present, and the plot feels disjointed as Charlie is hopping all over the place trying to figure out how to be queen.

It’s not all bad, by any stretch. My favorite scene was really dramatic and unexpected, and I think Kimberly Derting did a good job of creating political tension.

I’m not sure yet if I’ll be picking up the next book in this series (assuming there is one), I think I’ll wait and see what the blurb has to say.

Buy The Essence:
@Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN) @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@Chapter by Chapter
@Finding Bliss in Books
@Much Loved Books

Top Ten Tuesday Rewind: Top Ten Vivid Worlds/Settings

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 16•13

top ten tuesdayTop Ten Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week is a rewind week, meaning all participating bloggers can pick a topic they missed from past weeks. I opted to go with my Top Ten Vivid Settings/Worlds, because I have read some insanely imaginative books that I think everyone should pick up at some point. Onwards!

shadowandbone#1- The Three Realms from The Black Jewels Books by Anne Bishop
This is one of my favorites. This world has three realms, one of which is home to the demon-dead, and another is home to fantastical creatures, good people, and talking animals. I always love escaping to the world Anne Bishop created for this epic series.

#2- The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Ummm, yes. This world jumps off the page so easily that they were able to make a theme park (which is awesome, btw).

#3- Ravka from The Grisha series by Leigh Bardugo
I only recently fell in love with this series (check out yesterday’s review), but the world Leigh Bardugo created is just so cool! A great setting and unique magic system bring this world alive.

#4-  Middle Earth by J.R.R. Tolkien
Another obvious one, but Tolkien’s Middle Earth is seen by many as the one that spawned the many.

#5- The Seven Kingdoms (Etc.) from A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin
This is the world on this list that I’d be least interested in moving to. Almost every place R.R. Martin creates is bleak, unpleasant and cold, but they’re also incredibly easy to imagine. It doesn’t hurt that there is now a tv show to help us imagine the finer details.

#6- The World of The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
I love this book so much. Norton Juster managed to create a fantasy world out of the building blocks of our own world. There’s a kingdom for numbers, one for letters, and a miriad of other places throughout the world that bring “real life” to a whole new level. One day, I will compose a sunrise!


#7- The Kingdoms of Kristin Cashore
Kristin Cashore managed to create two very cool, very distinct magic systems that brought their world to life for

readers. Obviously, I’d rather have a grace than be a monster, but I would love to see either of the kingdoms that Cashore created.

#8- The World of The Giver by Lois Lowry
It’s a classic, and in black and white. After this particular twist was revealed, this book managed to burn it’s bleak version of the future into my memory.

#9- The Worlds of the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor
While a lot of this book takes place in our world, there are also two other distinct realms with wonderfully vivid creatures and magic.

#10- The “real” world
A good writer can make the mundane world we already live in seem pretty fantastic, and every fantasy world takes its core from our society. So whether it’s Earth+Magic or just contemporary Earth, there are a lot of great stories to be told right here.

Review: Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 15•13

shadow and boneSeries: The Grisha, #1
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.
Publish Date: June 5th, 2012
Source: Purchased

Rating: 5/5 – A fantasy setting as epic as it is awesome.

Synopsis: The Shadow Fold, a swathe of impenetrable darkness, crawling with monsters that feast on human flesh, is slowly destroying the once-great nation of Ravka.

Alina, a pale, lonely orphan, discovers a unique power that thrusts her into the lavish world of the kingdom’s magical elite—the Grisha. Could she be the key to unravelling the dark fabric of the Shadow Fold and setting Ravka free?

The Darkling, a creature of seductive charm and terrifying power, leader of the Grisha. If Alina is to fulfil her destiny, she must discover how to unlock her gift and face up to her dangerous attraction to him. But what of Mal, Alina’s childhood best friend? As Alina contemplates her dazzling new future, why can’t she ever quite forget him? -Goodreads

Thoughts: What a cool story!!! I can’t believe I put off reading this one for so long, especially since I had nothing holding me back. The setting, the politics and the system of magic were all unlike anything I’d read before, which isn’t something I can say very often (not that there’s anything wrong with the old standbys).

Alina lives in Ravka, a world with a dark history and some interesting (if not fully explained) systems of magic. Bardugo started with the essential ‘some among us are chosen’ form of magic and then twisted into something wonderfully new and compelling. I enjoyed pretty much every page. Shadow and Bone has everything you look for in a fantasy book, while also adding in a lot of the elements that make for a great young adult story. The good guys are complex, the bad guys are cunning, and Alina is still trying to figure out how she fits in.

I gave this book a five out of five because it was fantastically entertaining, and I couldn’t put it down. But it wasn’t flawless. I didn’t feel incredibly attached to any one character, but they were still strong enough to carry the plot. I’d like to see both Alina and Mal developed further in the next book by showing some of their wants and needs beyond each other and the fate of their nation. Having everything in the first book be so big and high stakes, it was occasionally (and I do mean occasionally) difficult to see them as people rather than pawns in the larger scheme.

Shadow and Bone seems to have fanned the flames on my fantasy obsession. I took a long, long detour into the world of urban fantasy and the paranormal, but with books like this out there it’s obvious that I should be spending more time in worlds other than my own. Leigh Bardugo did a fantastic job of creating a rich and engaging world that is easy to lose yourself in. I can’t wait to read more.

Buy Shadow and Bone @The Book Depository

Second Opinions:
@Candace’s Book Blog
@Blue Sky Bookshelf


TV Review: Being Erica, Season One

Written By: Kellie - Apr• 14•13


Being Erica – Season One
Rating: 5/5 – Love, Love, Love

The Premise: We all have regrets and we’ve all made mistakes. But what if you could go back in time and fix them? Erica Strange can – and desperately needs to. She’s 32 years old and facing a premature mid-life crisis. With no boyfriend, no job, no prospects, her life is in shambles, and she often blames her past mistakes for her current predicament.

Enter Dr. Tom. Part therapist, part mysterious rogue, he comes into Erica’s life at a time when nothing seems to be going right for her and offers one simple proposition: whatever she is unhappy about, he can fix it. And with that they begin their extraordinary journey together, as he sends Erica back in time to excavate her past, to relive her regrets, and to make different choices this time around.

Thoughts: How did I not know about this show?! Someone mentioned it to me in passing when the topic of Canadian genre TV came up, so I had to do a little research, and I’m so glad I did. I devoured the entire first season in less than a week, and that was with me trying to pace myself.

Erica is a thirty-something Torontonian with A LOT of regrets. When the series begins her life is kind of no where. She get’s fired from her job in the first five minutes, she’s single, and she feels like she has wasted A LOT of time. There are things that keep her up at night as she wonders about all the ‘what ifs’, something I’m sure anyone and everyone can relate to. After an especially bad day, she meets Dr. Tom. Yadda-yadda-yadda, he’s a magical therapist with the power to send her back in time to relive (and alter) key mistakes Erica feels like she’s made. Great concept!

The time-jumps in the first season range from visiting eleven-year-old Erica to thirty-something Erica, and I love this character at all stages of her life. She’s wonderfully flawed and I can see so much of myself in her. Sure, it doesn’t hurt that her dream career involves writing & working in publishing, but I think it would be difficult not to relate to this character. I mean, who ever feels like they’ve gotten everything 100% right in their lifetime? Really?

But what I really love about this show is that while it not only makes you think, it manages to do it without being obvious. I’d love to point out all the “brilliant” observations I’ve made about how things are playing out, just after watching the first season, but I don’t want to ruin it for you. I’m also really enjoying the Canadianess of Being Erica, it’s fantastic. Not only have a lot of familiar faces cropped up already, but the “issues” are all handles in a very Canadian light. One episode touches on a few different issues of sexuality, and manages to do it without being in your face, making a point or shoving ideals down your throat. There were issues about sexuality that existed without making sexuality an issue. Kudos.

Which brings up another fun thing about this show. As adorable as Erica and the shows concept are, this is television for grownups. There were three sex scenes in the first season, all of which were handled very differently, there’s also pretty blunt (heh, this is about to be punny) discussion of weed. Again, they aren’t handled like issues, just as parts of life. It’s all really quite realistic for a show about magical therapy.

AND, wait for it, the season finale had be all kinds of weepy. I’m not a big crier–I’ll get a little misty for the odd commercial or at an especially happy scene, but it’s contained–it takes the BIG scenes to get the tears flowing. I can count on shows like Grey’s Anatomy to get me going, but Being Erica managed to pull off a major moment in its first season finale by… well, I don’t want to ruin it. Life is hard.

I can’t believe how much has come pouring out of me just typing about one season of this show, but that should definitely tell you how much I loved it. I didn’t comment on the acting, so I’ll throw in that it was great. I  love Erica, her friends, her family and even her crazy, bitch boss. I cannot recommend this show enough, even to those who might not be a big fan of fantasy on TV. I loved it! and I can’t wait to start season two. Must. Purchase. Now.