Industrial Magic- Kelley Armstrong

Written By: Kellie - Jul• 12•11

Synopsis: In the aftermath of her mother’s murder, Paige broke with the elite, ultraconservative American Coven of Witches. Now her goal is to start a new Coven for a new generation. But while Paige pitches her vision to uptight thirty-something witches in business suits, a more urgent matter commands her attention.

Someone is murdering the teenage offspring of the underworld’s most influential Cabals – a circle of families that makes the mob look like amateurs. And none is more powerful than the Cortez Cabal, a faction Paige is intimately acquainted with. Lucas Cortez, the rebel son and unwilling heir, is none other than her boyfriend. But love isn’t blind, and Paige has her eyes wide open as she is drawn into a hunt for an unnatural-born killer. Pitted against shamans, demons, and goons, it’s a battle chilling enough to make a wild young woman grow up in a hurry. If she gets the chance.


Review: This was the most well thought out, multi-leveled mystery I’ve read in a long time. It was really, very enjoyable! Easily my favorite yet in this series. I really like Paige and Lucas together, as well as both of their back stories and the communities they come from. The Cabals are well thought out and super interesting to follow, although they maybe should have come off as a little more evil. This world Kelley Armtstrong has created is becoming more interesting with every book. I would have liked to see a little more werewolf and a little less vampire but it still worked for me.

The pace of the book jumped around a bit, but I think it worked a bit. It can’t be all go go go all the time. It tended to be pretty steady for most of the book but had quite a few splurges of really kick-butt action. We even got to see some more supernatural powers in action which is always fun.

There was one really odd, out of place scene in this book though, and it really stuck with me. At one point, they’re talking to a some sort of Scottish deity in a swamp. And he’s got the most outrageously random attitude and accent. It was kind of ridiculous. That scene almost reaches the point of so bad it’s good. Almost.

Another thing I did really like was all the family dynamics. Supernatural books tend to have a lot of “my pack is my family or I’m so alone and don’t need anyone”. I love that Paige has Savannah to think of and that Lucas has such a mixed up relationship with his own clan. It’s a little more realistic and really touching at some points.

I’m pretty sure the next book switches character again which makes me nervous. But it made me nervous last time too and it all worked out. Obviously I’m not too worried, I’ve already bought the next one. Onward!


Second Opinions:
@ Love Vampires
@ Red Hot Books
@ Jules Book Reviews

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One Comment

  1. I love this book! I agree, it’s definitely one of the best in the series. A fantastic story line + awesome characters = really good book! Not to mention that Kelley Armstrong is one skilled writer. Great review! :)

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