Carrie Vaughn Giveaway

Written By: Kellie - Aug• 06•11

I hope you’ve all enjoyed Carrie Vaughn week. I know I have! Getting a whole week to blather about an author that I love… what can be wrong with that? I can really hope I’ve convinced at least one person to pick up a Carrie Vaughn book next time they’re in a book shop. If not… well, I guess I’m just going to have to give someone one of her books and hope that will get you hooked. This week there are two books to choose from…

Option 1
Kitty and the Midnight Hour
The first book in the ‘Kitty Norville’ series, and probably my favorite book that Carrie has written so far. If you haven’t checked this series out yet, I definitely recommend it. Plus, what better way is there to win a copy than to win one from ReaWrite!
The world created in these books is filled with so many types of paranormal beings that it can be hard to keep track but it’s done with a freshness and sense of humor that this now over flowing genre definitely needs.


Option 2
Discord’s Apple
A great book for any mythology fans out there, especially if you love new takes on Greek stories and myths. There is a little bit of everything in this stand alone. Magical artifacts from all across history are tucked away in Evie’s family cellar. She is now faced with taking over all the responsibilities that come with this, while caring for her dying father. And of course, some dark forces are trying to work their way into the cellar, willing to destroy anyone who tries to get in their way.


To enter for your chance to win, leave a comment on this post with the following…
This contest is open anywhere where The Book Depository ships.
It would be much appreciated if you could tweet/promote this giveaway as I have lots more coming this month and would love, love, love to get the word out.
-Your name
-Your email address
-Which option you’d like
-The name of your favorite author

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  1. I can pick only one?!
    That’s sooo impossible.
    I’m going to name one of them and I’m picking this author as I think more people should buy her books so she’ll be contracted for more books:
    Laura Bickle/Alayna Williams

    And I’d pick Discord’s Apple as I already have Kitty and the Midnight Hour.

    Sullivan McPig

  2. […] Link : This entry was posted in Blog Giveaways and tagged 8/13/11, Australia, Blog Giveaway, Books, […]

  3. Madlen Vasileva says:

    If I had to pick, I would pick option number 2.
    My favorite author, to be honest is Cassandra Clare.
    madlen.vasileva (at)yahoo (dot) com

  4. Spav says:

    My favourite author is Nalini Singh (it was a really hard choice).
    I would pick Discord’s Apple.


  5. Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard says:

    My choice is: Kitty and the Midnight Hour
    fav author: Jodi Picoult

    Brenda Witherspoon
    brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com

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