24 Hour Readathon

Written By: Kellie - Oct• 13•12

For the first time I ever I am participating in a 24 hour readathon. First things first, it’s never too late to join in the fun. We will be reading from 8am EST Saturday (as in today) until the same time on Sunday. I’ve even gotten up earlier than I have to on a Saturday just to get this post up and running.

I’ve got a bit of a game plan that involves reading some of the books that are on my review schedule for this month, but I’ve given myself permission to mix it up if I find myself tempted to stop.

The Plan
I have three books I am hoping to make it all the way through today, I’m going to try my best to read straight through but have a fourth book that I will read chapters of when I need a change from whichever book I’m on. The books are…
-Allison Hewitt is Trapped
-Who I Kissed
Bonus Book: The Poison Princess

Hour 1: Opening Meme
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today? Canada, eh?
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? Allison Hewitt is Trapped. Zombies + A Bookstore. Sounds like my kind of read.
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? My next one is peanut butter & banana wraps, so probably that one. Slightly ironic as I’m currently reading ‘Who I Kissed’
4) Tell us a little something about yourself! Hmm… As well as blogging I am currently writing a book, and am reviewer liaison for Spencer Hill Press. You submit a review request, it comes to me :)

Hour 3:
Who I Kissed by Janet Gurtler is finished! Had a snack and now on to book number two, although I’m not even sure which book that’s going to be yet.

Hour 11:
I’m still here! I’ve just been too busy reading (and napping… woops) to update, although I have been following a lot of other readathoners on twitter. I’ve finished Allison Hewitt is Trapped and I really enjoyed it. I’ve also read a bit of Boneshaker and a bit of Poison Princess but neither of them are really hooking me quite yet. I may have to pick up a random other title in order to accomplish my goal of three books read start to finish today. For right now though, I’m going to concentrate on finishing and eating dinner… then I dive back in to the world of books!

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  1. Zeek says:

    So far, so good. Have fun!

  2. Tami says:

    So glad you’re joining the readathon. It’s a blast! Your lineup of books looks great – hope you enjoy every page. Good luck with the mini-challenges and have a great reading day.

    Tami – Cheerleading Team Snickers

  3. TG says:

    A zombie book is a great readathon pick! Woo-hoo, congrats on finishing a book already. Hope you’re having fun, reading the day away.

    Team Snickers is rooting for you!

  4. jen @ thebookienook says:

    It sounds like you are doing absolutely awesome! I am trying to hang in there, breaks here and there help. I might have a bit of tea or coffee. :) Keep on goin’!

  5. Kimberly says:

    Hey! Long time no talk to! I hope your having a great readathon, and there is no shame in taking a nap or 2!

  6. Nise' says:

    You are doing great. Hope you have a strong second half!

  7. Julie@my5monkeys says:

    whoo hoo you are doing so great .

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