Goddess Interrupted- Aimee Carter

Written By: Kellie - Mar• 31•12

ARC received from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Synopsis: Becoming immortal wasn’t supposed to be the easy part. Though Kate is about to be crowned Queen of the Underworld, she’s as isolated as ever. And despite her growing love for Henry, ruler of the Underworld, he’s becoming ever more distant and secretive. Then, in the midst of Kate’s coronation, Henry is abducted by the only being powerful enough to kill him: the King of the Titans.

As the other gods prepare for a war that could end them all, it is up to Kate to save Henry from the depths of Tartarus. But in order to navigate the endless caverns of the Underworld, Kate must enlist the help of the one person who is the greatest threat to her future. Henry’s first wife, Persephone. -Goodreads

Review: I still can’t get enough of books with modern takes on ancient mythology. Seeing new takes on stories I grew up with is just so much fun for me, and I’m sure for a lot of you as there are more and more books in this genre. But for me, the first books that come to my mind when I think Mythology YA are Aimee Carter’s Goddess books.

The mythological world that main character Kate has found herself a part of by book two in this series, finds a wonderful balance between the old and the new. All of the gods maintain their original personas while still managing to be modern people I can easily picture. I really enjoy the complex relationships between the different deities and it’s interesting to see how Kate manages to work herself into this ancient family.

That being said, I found the plot of Goddess Interrupted kind of hard to follow and a little confusing and so I never managed to get fully immersed in the story, which was disappointing. I just never got to the Oh WoW, I love this book stage. It was still a fun read but I felt like it could have used a bit more polish. The danger in this story is interesting as it absolutely pulls from the very core of Greek mythology, it just could have been a lot more well defined.

I still feel like this book is a great sequel to the first book in the series, The Goddess Test. The two stories flow really nicely, one into the next so I definitely want to see where these book go next and how this story works into the series as a whole.

Buy the book @Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN)





Second Opinions:
@Candace’s Book Blog
@The Book Pushers
@Read, Breathe, Relax

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