Archive for December, 2011

Standout Books of 2011

Looking over the books I read (at least the ones I remembered to check off on Goodreads), there are a few that really stood out as my memorable reads of 2011. Not surprisingly, they aren’t all actually 2011 titles but more surprisingly they aren’t all YA and UF books. If nothing else, I managed to […]

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My 2012 TBR List

I’ve been on the look out for some interesting challenges to take part in for 2012… One that looks pretty interesting is knocking some titles off of my TBR list. So before I sign up for anything, I’m making a list to try and better figure out what my reading and blogging goals should be […]

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Wishing you all the happiest of holidays

Hi everyone! I hope you had a fantastic Christmas (for those who celebrate) and if you get a bit of a break this time of year, enjoy it and read a lot. I did very well book wise this Christmas and am a happy little bookworm =)| – Last Sacrifice (completing my paperback VA collection) […]

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Ereader Tablets

Ever since I learned about the Kindle Fire (which isn’t available to us Canadians *pout*) I have been somewhat obsessed with finding a comparable 7″ tablet/Ereader. A tablet would be super useful for me right about now and I do think it would be pretty useful as an ereader as I miss back-lighting and have […]

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Dark Inside- Jeyn Roberts

Synopsis: Since mankind began, civilizations have always fallen: the Romans, the Greeks, the Aztecs…Now it’s our turn. Huge earthquakes rock the world. Cities are destroyed. But something even more awful is happening. An ancient evil has been unleashed, turning everday people into hunters, killers, crazies. Mason’s mother is dying after a terrible car accident. As […]

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Frozen- Robin Wasserman

Synopsis: Before the accident, Lia Kahn was happy. Before the accident, Lia Kahn was loved. Lia was a lot of things before… She was normal, alive… and human. But Lia no longer believes in before. Six months after the crash that killed her, six months after being reborn, Lia has finally accepted her new reality. […]

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Hounded- Kevin Hearne

Synopsis: Atticus O’Sullivan, last of the Druids, lives peacefully in Arizona, running an occult bookshop and shape-shifting in his spare time to hunt with his Irish wolfhound. His neighbors and customers think that this handsome, tattooed Irish dude is about twenty-one years old—when in actuality, he’s twenty-one centuries old. Not to mention: He draws his […]

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