How Blogging changed my life

Written By: Kellie - Sep• 30•11

Inspired by Parajunkee’s Blogging Changed my Life post.

How blogging has changed my life… An interesting question. Blogging (specifically book blogging) has been such a fantastic experience so far. It is so much fun to be able to share my passion with so many people who are as weirdly obsessed with books as I am. Even better that I can find other bloggers who like exactly the same kinds of books as I do. Being the internet dork that I am, I really don’t know how I didn’t get into this years earlier. Anyways, being the list dork that I am! A list!

– I have gotten to genuinely interact with some of my favorite authors. Yes, you can look at it is I just had a few back and forth emails followed by an email interview. OR you can look at it as MY FAVORITE AUTHORS ACTUALLY RESPONDED TO MY EMAILS AND THEN I GOT TO INTERVIEW THEM! It’s mind blowing, such an honour and so much fun!

– It has been said by every book blogger out there, but the community is just incredible. There are so many great book bloggers out there with genuinely interesting things to say. Love it!

– Free books!

– The chance to read books before they actually come out! So cool!

– Expanding my book horizons. Even within the genres I usually, I have now read so many books I never would have considered before, and loved them! Of course, now my book shelves are full with stuff I haven’t gotten to yet. I’ll get there. One day!

– I now have a perfectly good excuse to ramble about books on a regular basis.

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