Why I love them Part 1- Anne Bishop

Written By: Kellie - Feb• 17•11

I have four favorite authors, all of whom are fantastic. And now, because I have a blog I get to ramble on about how great I think they are. Maybe, if I’m lucky I’ll even convince someone new to read about them. Anyways, while my favorite authors aren’t in any specific order, I do have an absolute favorite series, so it’s wonderful author goes first. Anne Bishop, author of The Black Jewels Trilogy.

The Black Jewels trilogy is, ironically (not), three books following the childhood, adolescence and beginning of the reign of The Queen of the Darkness, Jaenelle. While Jaenelle is arguably the main character the book is told from the perspective of all the important people in her life. It hop around to everyone except her, so as readers we only learn about her through the way others see her, a pretty interesting take. Jaenelle is a little bit too Mary-Sueish anyway, so instead we read this story from the perspective of the three men in her life.

Anyways, that’s not what makes these books great. They’re a little dark but they take place in a beautifully crafted, unique fantasy world. And while there is plenty of magic and epic battles, this series is ultimately about the relationships between people. I’ve seriously read these books at least five times and a few times each for all of the other books Anne Bishop has written that is set in this same world. Can’t help it. So, so good! The downside… the last book in this series is coming out in less than a month and I’ve read a pretty scary review. At least one person thinks this last book my destroy the entire series for some people. I think I may be skipping the very last novella for this series all together, then I can just imagine an ending that I like.

She’s also written two other series. One of which I’ve read. One I’ve haven’t (it’s nice to know that one of my favorite authors has something else I could fall in love with that I just haven’t read yet). The other series I’ve read (Ephemera) has two books in it, and they’re pretty decent. She’s writing another book for that series in the next couple of years. It’s pretty much a multi-dimension, magical creatures type deal. Worth a read too :)

Anyways, while I can’t say that every book Anne Bishop writes is mind blowing, when she gets it right, it’s pretty much mind blowing.

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  1. Ashley says:

    I love Anne Bishop too and I can hardly wait for the last book! I’m sad that it all seems to be ending because I love the world she has created so much and I love visiting it thorough her books. I very nervous for the book also because of the reviews I’ve read. Hopefully it will be and ending I’ll be able to live with, even if its not how I hoped it would end. Enjoy reading it!

    • Kellie says:

      I started reading the last book a couple days ago (it came into the store I work at early =D). So far, so good. I’m trying not to rush through it though, since once it’s over, it’s really over.

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